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Linux+ Fundamentals and Certification

Linux Assignment Number 2

Frank Perez's picture

HW Assignment 2 - Based on second class video
1.     Login to your system.
2.     Open a terminal.
3.     Enter the following commands and answer the following:
info rmdir
info which
What does the rmdir utility do?
What does the which utility do?
What is the next node after rmdir?
What is the previous node before which?
4.     Enter the following commands and answer me the following:
man cp
man mv
What does the cp utility do?
What does the mv utility do?
Who wrote the cp and mv utilities?
What section of the man pages does the cp and mv utilities reside?
If you wanted the system to prompt you before overwriting for both the cp and mv utilities which flag/option would you use?
Reply to my email with your answers.