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Collaborative Lesson Planning

Revisions for Collaborative Lesson Planning Winter 2011 Notes

The revisions let you track differences between multiple versions of a post.

Revision Operations
2011-02-02 23:40 by Charles Danoff

added a couple of new ideas

current revision
2011-01-31 00:49 by Charles Danoff

added jim groom's ds106 course to "Get ideas from"

2011-01-26 06:15 by Charles Danoff
2011-01-25 22:11 by Charles Danoff

made the message at the top a little easier on the eyes

2011-01-24 11:18 by Charles Danoff

added some links

2011-01-24 10:27 by Charles Danoff

Imported the file as quickly as I could directly from Wikiversity and uploaded a PDF version of said document.