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Revisions for Syllabus for DIY Math

The revisions let you track differences between multiple versions of a post.

Revision Operations
2010-09-27 01:18 by Joe Corneli

the two activities...

current revision
2010-09-22 22:54 by Joe Corneli

added my interest in bayesian stats and heuristics

2010-09-22 06:23 by Charles Danoff

Added "TOPICS & INTERESTED STUDENTS" and those topics I am interested in studying.

2010-09-09 22:58 by Joe Corneli


2010-09-09 22:57 by Joe Corneli

link to "what is the moore method"

2010-09-09 22:53 by Joe Corneli

made a couple updates to plan and added recommended reading sectino

2010-09-07 13:10 by Joe Corneli

added a few more prompts for the "guidelines" section

2010-09-01 23:31 by Joe Corneli

revising 1st update

2010-09-01 19:38 by Joe Corneli

added "discussion guideline" update

2010-09-01 05:01 by Joe Corneli

formatting (italics etc)

2010-09-01 04:54 by Joe Corneli

added course timeline

2010-09-01 04:49 by Joe Corneli

added key dates

2010-09-01 04:46 by Joe Corneli

update with info on initial assignment: introduce yourself to the group

2010-08-28 01:13 by Joe Corneli
2010-08-25 15:39 by Joe Corneli

added link to google group

2010-08-24 15:20 by Joe Corneli