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Notes and Recording from Live Studio Session #2 Feb. 9th 2011

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Water stewardship, mindfulness and love! These were the topics of today's live Studio session. Alan, Monica and Joy shared the intentions, plans and challenges of their projects. I'll post the link to the recording of our session separately.

You  might be interested in reading a quote from George Bernard Shaw I used for our opener:

Many ideas, resources and connections to people were shared. Two ideas emerged for upcoming live Studio sessions:

Digital Storytelling  - Monica mentioned the need to know more about how to create compelling video that would spread the word about green practices in the metalworking industry in Jackson, MI.  I'm taking the lead on organizing a session around methods and models of effective storytelling. Digital Green is one source I'll pursue.

Love Dialog  - after Alan shared his project (see his post we were inspired by the idea of love, similar to happiness, as a way to describe the fabric of community. This relates to Joy's Being Mindful project . Alan and Joy will organize a discussion on this topic and invite a couple of people to join us such as and

Please listen to the recording (skip the blank sections where Alan's audio didn't come through) and share your ideas on the Forum in response to this topic. You can also post comments on the project pages in the Course Materials. 

- Chris