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Do You Speak Music?

Still Kicking

Gabriel Gloege's picture

Dearest Course-takers,

A thousand apologies for my absence and lack of communication these past couple weeks. I fully intend to complete this course and hope you are still up for completing it with me.

I have posted the video for lesson 3 on melody. It's under Course Materials on the course page. Give it a watch, and then hop on the forums and post your feedback. I'll be putting in my own once I finish typing this letter.

Also, if you're interested, I've posted office hours options on WhenIsGood. The link is below, just head over and select the times that work for you. Let me know by Thursday and I'll send out another broadcast with official office hours for this weekend. Remember, this is for Skype video chat. If you use your computer (as opposed to a mobile device) I think I can do group chat for up to 5 people.

Again, my apologies for not being more frequent in my communications. And thanks for sticking around.

