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Do You Speak Music?

Two Clarifications

Gabriel Gloege's picture
Clarification #1: 5 Tracks, Many Students

One of the important elements of this course, for me, is that each student gets to choose a track that is used as part of the class playlist. That's why I originally limited the course to only 5 participants (and have since shut down the applications), because if we have too many students then the class playlist will be an hour long and that's just too much music to handle.

However, I keep getting applications and interest and I don't want to keep turning people away that want to learn more music. So I'm reopening sign up for the class because I think it will be good to have a lot of input on each of the tracks we're covering. However... no more track selections will be added. 

This doesn't really affect you, except to say that you got in early, so we're going to use YOUR tracks. There will be other people joining the discussions, but they'll be listening to your musical selections. Just an FYI, for whatever it's worth. And a thank you for your early interest!

Clarification #2: No New P2PU

Some of you who signed up early might remember a message I sent you to go sign up on the New P2PU site instead, because that's where I would actually be running the course. 

Forget about that message... I changed my mind.

I'm leading it here on the original P2PU site because the new one is still in Beta and it just didn't have the stability or features I need yet. It looks great and I can't wait to use it, but this is my first P2PU course and learning how to lead a course PLUS trying to learn the new Beta site was just too much.

Sorry for the confusion. frown