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Managing Election Campaigns

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Managing Election Campaigns

Larry Cooperman's picture
Course organiser: Larry Cooperman
About the Course Organiser: 

Larry Cooperman is the director of the University of California, Irvine's OpenCourseWare project. Between 1986 and 2003, he managed or led an area of work for five campaigns in jurisdictions that had between 30,000 and 700,000 voters. Larry learned about election campaigns from people who learned from people who learned from the United Farm Workers' labor organizing campaigns of the 1960s.

Course Status: 


Tété Enyon Guemadji-Gbedemah's picture
Gustavo Martínez's picture
Valerie's picture
How to Win An Election with $2.00 and a pint of Cooking Oil


This course covers the mechanics of managing election campaigns, including campaign organization, campaign finance, analyzing and using voter data, using direct mail, scripting telephone contact, managing volunteers, and understanding the legal environment. The project for the course will be to work from a California template and map the similarities and differences for each course participant’s jurisdiction. The course is offered with two caveats: (1) many of the techniques will scale to larger election campaigns, but others will not; and (2) the legal environment around voter data is critical to any data-driven voter contact effort.



Hello every one! I am Alicia

Alicia long's picture
Alicia long
Fri, 2010-11-19 17:57

Hello every one! I am Alicia