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Sat, 2011-01-01 00:46
Week 5 - Social Media and User-Generated Content
To understand social media and user-generated content, various platforms and tools for each, and how to optimize their use for marketing
To analyze which of these tools might be most effective for your enterprise
To figure out how to get your enthusiasts to market for you
See below
Make-your-own-case-study - Find an enterprise that is doing a great job of using social media to market. Write a short post that includes:
A link to the enterprise and their social media page(s)
What you like about it
What lessons we all can apply to our own enterprises
Choose an enterprise that you love as a consumer/evangelist and do some marketing for them (Write an online review. Rate them on Google maps. Like and/or add something to their FB page. Follow them on Twitter. Spread the word to others.) Write a short post about what you did in the Forums under the Week 5 prompt.
(Optional) Explore a social media tool that you aren't already familiar with but that might have applicability to your enterprise. Develop a strategy for using this tool, and if it makes sense, set up an account and get started. (Note: This could be expanded into your final project.)
Social media -- you've heard a million advertisements now including Twitter, Facebook, and others. Why are companies that have spent millions on their web site now giving their Facebook address instead? It's all about the connections.
Social Media is ...
Credit: Kivi Leroux Millder,, CC BY
These are some thought-provokign (and amusing) info-graphics about social media. There are some explanatory text comments with each image. Think about how one of these relates to your own enterpresie and post your observations.