This is the P2PU Archive. If you want the current site, go to!

Recent News

P2PU Blogs and Planet

Visit the P2PU blog for official updates about the project, and the P2PU Planet for a look at what community members are writing about, around open education, open access, and the future of higher education!

Cycle 2 has ended

With 16 courses, including 3 in Portuguese from Brazil, and a spanking new web site, this was an exciting cycle. We are planning for a 3rd Cycle in August, so please submit your proposals for new courses! Also, join the community discussions in the P2PU lounge!

Sign-Up for Cycle 2 has Closed

The sign-up period for Cycle 2 at P2PU has now closed. We're looking forward to a great session of courses - thank you to everyone who has signed up.
We'll be posting more information soon, but for now, please be aware that all classes are scheduled to begin on Friday, March 12th
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a shout by using the Contact Form

Sign-Up for P2PU Extended!

Good news for anyone who can't decide which course to sign-up for - we've decided to extend te sign-up period for another few days.
All courses will remain open for sign-up until Wednesday 3rd of March. The courses will begin the following Friday, 12th of March.
But be sure to sign-up quickly - many of the courses are filling up fast!

Sign up is open

The new website is up and running, and we have opened sign-up to our new set of courses, including 3 courses in Portuguese. Have a look and sign-up for a course that picks your fancy!

The announcement is on our blog

Or if the topic you are passionate about is missing, propose a new course (once you log-in you'll see a link to "Submit a Course Proposal" in the "My Actions" menu - or just use the contact form).

P2PU is under development

Everything on this site is currently changing: colors are blooming, layouts are refining, features are tightening, bugs are disappearing. Please keep that in mind as you are clicking around the site. We are not done yet!

What should work smoothly is the creation of new courses. Drop us an email on the gang list if you are a course organizer and you are not sure what to do.