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Are you looking to make a difference in your community and the world? Are you interested in developing the skills and network necessary to do so?
The School of Social Innovation (SoSI) is a partnership between Citizen Circles and P2PU to help small groups who want to create their own courses on social innovation and share them openly with the world.
SoSI courses are based on peer-created syllabi, peer-to-peer teaching and learning, and local discussion groups and project-learning teams called citizen circles, which is a format for friends, classmates, and colleagues to work together to improve their own knowledge, confidence, skills, and competencies for change-making, inspired by the century-old model of the study circle.
SoSI courses generally run on a semesterly schedule along with all P2PU courses, with the next semester starting January 26th, 2011, but we are happy to accomodate courses that wish to start at any other time on a case-by-case basis. We are accepting proposals for courses from April and beyond at