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About Me

I'm a frontend engineer at an internet agency in Frankfurt working mostly for large corporate clients. I've done this since 1996, so my strengths are in frontend technologies like (X)HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with or without frameworks such as jQuery or YUI, and concepts like progressive enhancement, graded browser support, or exceptional performance. My preferred server-side scripting is PHP, and I've written a fairly decent WordPress plugin that involved the RESTful Amazon API, AJAX, and XSLT.

Otherwise I'm interested in accessibility, I organized an international, interdisciplinary conference on that topic in Frankfurt in 2009 (including a panel on curricula), and I often speak at conferences and unconferences about accessibility, HTML5, and anything related. Sometimes I write on my own blog, but I blame twitter for not writing more often there.

I'm a member of the W3C HTML WG, the W3C HTML Accessibility Task Force, the Web Standards Project International Liaison Group (WaSP ILG, who translate the WaSP curriculum), the German Webkrauts, and other bodies. I will teach frontend technologies and accessibility at the University of Mainz beginning winter semester 2010/11.


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