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Intro to Concepts in Behavioral Economics and Decision Making - Mar 2010

Week 2

Kristine Howard's picture
Tue, 2010-02-16 09:58

With some understanding of what BE is all about under our belts, now it is time to dig in a little deeper. Work through this week's content in any order that you like and follow links outward from there as you see fit. If you find additional resources on your learning journey, please share them in the forum/discussion area. As you go through the content, take note of which ideas are hard to understand, examples that come to mind, how you've been affected by similar phenomena, how the ideas you come across may apply to your "pet project," etc.



Read about an activity/mini-project for this week in the "Assignments" area.


Assignments area

sundance kiddo's picture
sundance kiddo
Wed, 2010-03-24 00:30

Sorry, cannot find anything else but "post your comments etc". What is the assignment for week 2? Thanks.


Valerie Taylor's picture
Valerie Taylor
Wed, 2010-03-24 04:40

The Assignments are listed as links on the View page - not an obvious place to look but...

Actual link

Great, thanks!

sundance kiddo's picture
sundance kiddo
Wed, 2010-03-24 22:33

Great, thanks!