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Copyright 4 Educators (ZA)

Syllabus for Copyright 4 Educators (ZA)

Tobias Schonwetter's picture
Thu, 2010-08-26 11:53

Expectations / Should I take this course?

This course requires between 8 to 12 hours per week in class-related work. This is a serious commitment - but it will be rewarding. It is a peer to peer learning experience. You won't learn anything if you don't share your understandings with others. For that reason all participants will be expected to share their answers to questions. You will retain copyright to your answers and can re-use themhow you want.  We'd like to use student contributions so request that you re-licence them under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike licence, what those licences mean is something you will learn during the course.

How this course works

The course is focused on developing practical solutions. The class will be divided into groups of several students each; you will collaborate with these students throughout the course. Every two weeks, the group must submit a group answer to each of the 6 Case Scenarios. A list of readings and resources will be provided that may assist you in answering the case scenario questions.

We suggest a different student takes responsibility for starting each case-study discussion and submitting the final answer.

The Group answer should demonstrate your understanding of the reading material and should include original thoughts and synthesis. Don't just summarize readings. Making connections between the readings and either previous readings or previous blogging (of your own or of other students!) is strongly encouraged. 

Only answer the questions in relation to the case study/scenario.  When completing the bi-weekly assignments for this course you should try to answer as best you can for your jurisdiction. Identifying the resources available for your jurisdiction and pointing out the differences in your country’s copyright legislation are important parts of the learning in the course.

Although it is not strictly required, we strongly encourage you to log on to the Forums and check out the other groups' responses to the Case Scenarios, and use the discussion thread to add any comments you may have on the other groups' work.

Once your application is accepted you will be allocated to a group.


1. Orientation - commences 27 September 2010
Students introduce themselves to each other and acquaint themselves with the website and ICT Tools needed to collaborate and work together.

2. Course commences 1 October 2010
Student Groups start working on the first case study.

Case Study Assignments:

  • Case Study 1: 1 October 2010 - due 15 October 2010
  • Case Study 2: 15 October 2010 - due 29 October 2010
  • Case Study 3: 29 October 2010 - due 12 November 2010


  • Case Study 4: 14 January 2011 - due 28 January 2011
  • Case Study 5: 28 January 2011 - due 11 February 2011
  • Case Study 6: 11 February 2011 - due 25 February 2011

General Readings

South African Copyright Act

Introducing Copyright A plain language guide to copyright in the 21st Century by Julien Hofman / Commwealth of Learning, Vancouver 2009.