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nada A.S's picture
nada A.S
Fri, 2011-05-06 15:12

Which distribution of Linux we will use in this class?


Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Sat, 2011-05-07 03:49

I will be using CentOS for my videos. FP

Martin Elmallian's picture
Martin Elmallian
Fri, 2011-05-06 22:09

Hi, this is my first comment of the curse.
Im wondering about the dynamic of the course, Frank are you going to post videos on linux.videos with the lessons or tips ? How often ?

thanks =)

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Sat, 2011-05-07 03:52

I will be posting videos for everyone to view. I will give you assignments to complete as well as tests to test your skills. I will also be available on chat, and will probably hold chat sessions to go over any questions you may have. Along with each video I will be posting notes, which will give an overview of what i discuss in video.

Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Fri, 2011-05-13 13:40

Hi Frank,

I have created a study group within the p2p School of Webcraft so that we can dynamically create an outwards facing syllabus as we go along.

Do you have a syllabus that you will be working to? For me personally it really helps map out my learning plan to have a rough overview of what we will be doing week after week.

Or are you writing it as you go along?

I am doing another course here in London, so I will try to get the resources from that and make them available.


Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Fri, 2011-05-13 13:43


Didn't see that you had already created a Linux group!



Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Fri, 2011-05-13 14:32

I have the Linux group setup, I have also made you an organizer to help things get going with it. Thanks for the help.

Redas Nekrosius's picture
Redas Nekrosius
Sat, 2011-05-14 13:45

Everything's installed,now just looking how to change theme,because default one is meh:)Also problems with chrome browser...looking for a way to update firefox to version 4 for html5 support.As usual,nix begin to irritate me from the very start:)))

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Sat, 2011-05-14 14:17

Remember, CentOS is a Enterprise Level Server Operating system. If you want to use a operating system for your desktop, you should install Fedora, Ubuntu, or even OpenSuse. I personally like Fedora 15, since it now supports the new gnome 3 desktop

There are also many other Linux OS's that are geared towards desktop useage as well.

Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Fri, 2011-05-20 13:55

Hi all,

Does anyone know any good resources for tasks that we can do to get used to the command line, and other Linux Admin tasks?

Frank will you be setting tasks weekly? If so would it be possible to get these ahead of time so we can get an idea of where we're heading?

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Fri, 2011-05-20 14:00

Hey Dan, i will be setting up various tasks for everyone to do once the course starts tomorrow. I will give assigments as well as tests just for you to check how you are progressing.

Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Fri, 2011-05-20 14:03

Great thanks Frank.

I'd request that if they are available you make them all downloadable so we get an overview of what we're aiming to be able to do by the end of the course.


Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Fri, 2011-05-20 14:56

I'm making them as I go along. But i'll see if i can set up a few in advance.

Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Wed, 2011-05-25 13:04

Hi Frank.

Course is awesome so far.

Do you think once we're ready you'd be able to talk us through log files and how to interpret the information in them.

Also it would be really useful to know the steps that you go through when you are first getting acquainted with a new box.

ie. how you familiarize yourself with the hardware and users (syst info) and then tasks you'd go through to administer this.

Thanks again!

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Wed, 2011-05-25 13:37

Sounds good. I'll make sure to keep that in mind when creating my videos.

julian xu's picture
julian xu
Sat, 2011-06-04 02:32

Sorry,I don't want to bother you,Frank!But I am waiting for 3 days to download videos of course 4-7,and I failed!Because has been forbidden in my country recently,that drive me mad,so could you upload course videos with,that is only a stable website to download I can use,thank you a lot!

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Sat, 2011-06-04 04:44

Give me a few days and I will post them for you. ;)

julian xu's picture
julian xu
Sat, 2011-06-04 07:45

You are so kind,thank you again!

Dan Hassan's picture
Dan Hassan
Mon, 2011-06-06 23:54

Hi Frank,

When the time is ready could you go through best practice for backing up your system and discuss how to do this for a server?

Also I'd find it really useful if you could go through how to synchronise the contents of your machines... ie you work on a couple of different computers and have a smart phone...

Thanks for the latest uploads.

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Tue, 2011-06-07 14:25

Sure thing, I'll see when I'll fit that in.

julian xu's picture
julian xu
Thu, 2011-06-09 02:35

Hi,Frank!I have some questions about command line issues to ask you:

1)gzip and guzip--compress and decompress commands are very useful.One default behaviour of gzip is that gzip will delete the original files after gzip or guzip extracts them.Is there any means to keep the original files from deleting,just like "bzip2 -k" this command?

2)one more question about gzip and guzip:how to set a destination directory?When you compress a file or extract a file,the new file(after compressing or extracting)is in the directory of the original file.So how to solve this problem?By the way,I think pipe or rediction maybe tackle this issue.You are so kind to upload courses for me using megaupload,but the URL of the class 7 alway shows"This file can not access temporarily"(,so I haven't learned this class yet,Is it possible to bother you reuploading class 7 video via megaupload?One more thanks.

3)A little problem:In vimtutor material,When I learn on the operator d(delete words,just like dw,de,d$...) in lesson 2.1,the context says "The letter d will on the last line of the screen as you type it",but I can not find it anywhere.So where I can catch it?

Thank you for this fantatic course,your hard working and your patient!

Frank Perez's picture
Frank Perez
Thu, 2011-06-09 13:49

1. Using a redirect you are able to keep the original file. For instance
`gzip -c file_to_zip > new_file_name.gz`

2. You can also do this using redirects. For instance
`gunzip -cd file.gz > /new_path/filename`

Class 7 Video:

3. Thats strange, I havent come across it either. Just ignore that, its not really important.