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Medical Marijuana 101

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Sourcing Seeds, Sprouting, and Rooting Clones 2/02/11 - 2/07/11

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Welcome to the second week!

This week we'll be learning about the first step in growing medical marijuana. You will have a strong understanding of how to get started from seeds or clones after this section. Please post assignments as a reply to the current assignment in the forum aptly labelled 'Assignments.' Teams are posted below and will change with each section.

Section Outline

  • Start from seed or clone
    • Where to get seeds
    • How to get clones
  • Sprouting seeds
    • Various methods
    • Planting the sprouted seed
  • Rooting clones
    • Taking cuttings
    • Setting up the right environment


Todd McCormick - How to Grow Medical Marijuana

Pages 111-113, 125-137, 159-161, 181-187

Marijuana Seed Germination - Brief article on sprouting from Greenman's Page 
Marijuana Cloning - More info on cloning from Greenman's Page


Short Answer Questions
  1. What is cloning?
  2. Name 3 ways to sprout seeds.
  3. What are 3 ways to be safe when ordering seeds?
  4. How many hours of light should clones have while rooting?

Please reply to your peers if you agree or disagree with an answer. This will start a discussion on that topic and help us all learn more.

Team Task

You and your team are growing medicinal marijuana for a cancer patient who is undergoing chemotherapy. This patient needs to relieve pain and increase appetite. You must choose a strain that will help this patient. Explain why your group chose this strain and share a link or phone number of who this strain can be ordered from. Only use real businesses, no personal contacts here. Ever.


The quiz link will be posted on Feb 6th under the last lesson of this section.


  1. Irth, Blackbear, SammaJamma
  2. Lamines, Fismit110, ThePza
  3. Rev Zzudila, Intifada, Jesuskater
  4. Christian.pena, Gliocas, Tiago Rajadas

The first user on each team will lead the team and have the responibility to open communication channels and post for the team. To coordinate with your team, use a preferred method (if possible) of contact from our contact page, the chatroom, or any other agreed upon method.

Please only post the final team submission in the assignment area. 


We will meet in the chatroom at 8pm EST (5pm PST) on Thursday Feb 03 and Monday Feb 07 to discuss topics from this section.
mark candaras's picture
mark candaras
Fri, 2011-02-04 17:20

Start from Seed or Clone?

It is easier to find the specific strain you want when you start with seeds but there are no guarantees that the seed will be female. Even feminized seeds have male seeds mixed in. On average, normal Cannabis seeds will be 7/10 female. Feminized seeds will be 9/10 female.

It is also much safer to travel with seeds or have them shipped compared to clones, which will be bigger and need the right environment.

You have to wait at least 6 weeks before you can flower seeds once you start to sprout them. Clones can be flowered as soon as roots have sufficiently developed - no waiting for the plant to mature (assuming the mother plant has already reached maturity).

Each seed is going to be different than the plant it came from, whereas a clone has the exact same genetics as the mother plant it was cut from.

mark candaras's picture
mark candaras
Tue, 2011-02-08 19:57

Sprouting Seeds

There are a few methods to germinate marijuana seeds.

My favorite method is this:

1. Submerse the seeds in a glass of water for 12-hours.
2. Put a moist paper towel on a plate or in the bottom of a container.
3. Place your seeds on the moist paper towel.
4. Cover the seeds with another piece of moist paper towel.
5. Place another plate upside down (or close the lid of the container) to seal the seeds from light and keep moisture in.
6. After 24-48 hours, most of the viable seeds will have root-tips breaking through the seed shells.
7. When the seeds show roots, place them root-down in your soil of grow medium about 1 1/2" below the surface and gently cover them with soil or medium.

Bonus: Put the seeds in your mouth for a few minutes before they go on the paper towel. This may be an old-witches tale but it's said to acquaint the plant with the grower better.

Alternative method:

If you're growing a farm's worth, you may just want to put seeds directly in soil. Be sure to soak them for 12-hours beforehand. When possible, put the seeds in the ground pointy-side down. Make sure the soil they're in stays moist but not soaking.

mark candaras's picture
mark candaras
Sat, 2011-02-12 01:09

Rooting Clones

Some plants have a very special property; they can grow roots where a branch is cut under specific conditions.

Cannabis cuttings root very easily when done right. A cutting can be taken from any Cannabis plant that has reached sexual maturity. The leaves absorb moisture and nutrients to make roots after 5-14 days.

Materials and supplies:

Scalpel, cup of water, tray with tall clear cover, rooting hormone, cloning medium (rockwool, coconut, peat balls, etc.), florescent light or indirect sunlight, foliar feed

Here is the process that works for me 95% of the time.

  1. Take a cutting
    1. Choose a spot on the stem at least 3 node sites down.
    2. Use a sterilized scalpel to cut the branch at a 45 degree angle.
    3. Immediately place the cutting in a cup of water.
  2. Rooting preparation
    1. Wet the cloning medium.
    2. Take a cutting from the water, dip cut end in rooting hormone.
    3. Put cutting in cloning medium, gently compress sides along stem.
  3. Environment and upkeep
    1. Place prepared cutting in cloning medium into the tray.
    2. Spray foliar feed onto the leaves of the clones.
    3. Put the lid on the tray to keep humidity levels high.
    4. Put the tray in a light area but not under direct light, unless fluorescent or otherwise weak light.
    5. Check every other day that moisture levels are acceptable and foliar feed.
  4. Pointers
    1. Do not take cuttings while a plant is flowering. Revert the plant back to vegetative stage first, then take cuttings.
    2. Keep the moisture levels high but do not keep the cuttings in standing water.
    3. Take 3-6" cuttings
  5. Alternative Method
    1. A popular but pricey alternative to the above method is to purchase or make a cloning machine. These machines circulate water to the bottom of the cutting in intervals. Using a machine like this makes roots develop faster and more vigorously.