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Entrepreneurial Marketing

Revision of Syllabus for Entrepreneurial Marketing from Thu, 2011-01-06 02:25

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Karen Fasimpaur's picture
Thu, 2010-12-23 21:21

Course organiser:
Karen Fasimpaur

Preferred contact methods:
email: karen at k12opened dot com
chat or skype by appointment

Onlilne office hours:
______ on course Chat channel

Course calendar

See Week 1 course introduction for information on course values and methods.

Week 1: Introduction and Knowing What You're Marketing


  • To introduce the course and ourselves
  • To understand how important mission and vision are to marketing
  • To think about crafting a message and staying true to it



  • Post an introductory message in the forum
  • Make-your-own-case-study
    • Option 1: Craft your own enterprise mission or vision statement
    • Option 2: Analyze the mission or vision of an enterprise of your choosing

Week 2: A Marketing Plan: The 4 P's and other “old school” marketing ideas


  • To understand marketing mix (the "4P's")
  • To know the elements of a marketing plan
  • To think about the marketing mix for your enterprise and what kind of marketiing plan is most appropriate



  • Make-your-own-case-study

Week 3: Web presence


  • To understand the importance of a web presence
  • To identify the key goals of having a web presence for your project
  • To learn some inexpensive ways to create a web presence



  • Make-your-own-case study: Identify an enterprise with an effective web presence. Post a link under the Forum prompt and tell why you think it is effective (including relation to the enterprise's mission and marketing mix)
  • Think through the elements of our own enterprise's web presence
    • Write a post in the Forum prompt for week 3 about what type of web presence your enterprise should have; include information such as how your mission and vision will be reinforced by your web presence, a brief outline of your web site's content, and what tools make most sense given your goals and budget 

Week 4: Direct mail, email, public relations, and more


  • To understand a variety of promotional marketing tools
  • To analyze which tools might be most effective for your enterprise



  • Make-your-own-case study:

Week 5: Social Media and user-generated content


  • To understand social media and user-generated content, various platforms and tools for each, and how to optimize their use for marketing
  • To analyze which of these tools might be most effective for your enterprise
  • To figure out how to get your enthusiasts to market for you


  • See below


  • Make-your-own-case-study - Find an enterprise that is doing a great job of using social media to market. Write a short post that includes:
    • A link to the enterprise and their social media page(s)
    • What you like about it
    • What lessons we all can apply to our own enterprises
  • Choose an enterprise that you love as a consumer/evangelist and do some marketing for them (Write an online review. Rate them on Google maps. Like and/or add something to their FB page. Follow them on Twitter. Spread the word to others.) Write a short post about what you did in the Forums under the Week 5 prompt.
  • (Optional) Explore a social media tool that you aren't already familiar with but that might have applicability to your enterprise. Develop a strategy for using this tool, and if it makes sense, set up an account and get started. (Note: This could be expanded into your final project.)

Week 6-9: Final project


  • To take what you've learned so far and apply it in more depth to some aspect of marketing for your enterprise


  • Your choices


  • Post your project summary in Forums under Week 6 * Due no later than March 4; Include the following:
    • Objectives
    • Requests for collaboration as applicable
    • Requests for assistance from the course organiser
    • A brief timetable of the work you need to do to complete this project
  • Complete your project * Due no later than March 29