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Expressions, Statements, and Names Q&A

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Please review Expressions, Statements, and Names and the learning resources section. Be sure to complete the assigned reading and any applicable excercises as we are here to practice. If you have any questions or difficulties post them here and we will work together to make sure that everyone has a positive learning experience.

Please also post ideas and insights into these concepts. We can learn a lot from each others' perspectives and experience :-)

Pein Junior's picture
Pein Junior
Sat, 2011-04-23 17:05

type for hour and rate is string so i change their type
see below.

this is what i've got:

>>>hour = raw_input("Enter hours worked:")
>>>rate = raw_input("Enter rate:")
>>>pay = int(hour) * float(rate)
>>>print pay

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Sat, 2011-04-23 23:12

Ah, nice work. What happens when you multiply a string by an integer? e.g.
>>> "This is a nice string." * 3

Raymond Huang's picture
Raymond Huang
Tue, 2011-04-26 04:31

You get an error.

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Tue, 2011-04-26 06:12

Try entering the following in your interactive Python prompt (omitting the '>>>'):
>>> "You get an error." * 3

Raymond Huang's picture
Raymond Huang
Thu, 2011-04-28 00:59

Huh I thought it couldn't mix but it multiplies the string. It creates a new string containing the original string in the amount put in.

>>> "you get an error" * 3
'you get an erroryou get an erroryou get an error'

Sally Lloyd's picture
Sally Lloyd
Mon, 2011-04-25 21:29

>>>c = raw_input('Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit\n Enter Temperature: ')
>>>conversion = int(c) * 9.0/5.0 + 32
>>>print conversion

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Tue, 2011-04-26 06:18

Nice work :)

What other conversions might be handy to perform with Python?

Sally Lloyd's picture
Sally Lloyd
Sun, 2011-05-08 14:41

Brylie, thanks for the comment and direction. Anything that could be quantified would be useful to convert (I often find I have to look up imperial measurements). I will think about it some more and see how I can put it to use for my own purposes.

Wesley Pennock's picture
Wesley Pennock
Mon, 2011-04-25 20:17

I cannot seem to get my IDLE to print out the answer for all the exercises for chapter 2. I installed Python 2.7

Raymond Huang's picture
Raymond Huang
Tue, 2011-04-26 04:49

what do you mean by print out. Don't you select the answers you put into idle, got up to the edit menu, copy, and paste into the posting box on this forum?

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Tue, 2011-04-26 06:16

Can you give us a specific example please Wesley?

Raymond Huang's picture
Raymond Huang
Tue, 2011-04-26 04:42

I'm having trouble with the raw input. I keep getting syntax errors.

>>> Name = raw_input()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
Name = raw_input()
NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Thu, 2011-05-12 06:38

You may need to use 'input()' instead of 'raw_input()', if you are using Python 3.

Todd Hayes's picture
Todd Hayes
Tue, 2011-04-26 15:47

I hope to learn more about programming! I have a feeling this course will be great, better than some of the college courses I've had. Has anyone had an issue with installing Python on Windows 7?

Jim Roma's picture
Jim Roma
Tue, 2011-04-26 16:47

I'd like to suggest that we use for code samples. It's free easy to use etc. Here's my attempt at chapter two exercises:

Tyler Cipriani's picture
Tyler Cipriani
Tue, 2011-04-26 22:01

I threw my end of chapter exercises up on my github page - if you run the script all should work - plus try/except blocks for error handling -

Will Lehotz's picture
Will Lehotz
Wed, 2011-04-27 00:12

Thank You ....

Raymond Huang's picture
Raymond Huang
Thu, 2011-04-28 01:35

I don't know where to put my homework so I'll stick it here.

Exercise 2.2

print('Enter your name')
Name = input()
print('Welcome ' + Name)

Exercise 2.3

print('Please enter how many hours you have worked in numbers')
HoursWorked = input()
print('Please enter how much you earn per hour in dollars without the dollar sign')
HourlyWage = input()
Payment = int(HoursWorked) * int(HourlyWage)
print('The amount of money you have earned is $' + str(Payment))

Exercise 2.4
1. 8.5 Floating Point
2. 8.5 Floating Point
3. 4.0 Floating Point
4. 11 Integer

Exercise 2.5

print('What is the temperature in celsius?')
TempCelsius = input()
TempFharen = (float(TempCelsius)*(9/5))+32
print('It is ' + str(TempFahren) + ' in Fahrenheit')

while doing this, the word hour felt weird. It feels like it's spelled funny.

Johan Mares's picture
Johan Mares
Thu, 2011-04-28 17:19

Until further notice I will follow the example of Jim Roma. You can find my homework at

David Roncancio's picture
David Roncancio
Thu, 2011-04-28 21:52

was doing the 2.3 excercise but the round thing is not working:

>>> print "Pay: %f" % round((float(raw_input("Enter Hours: "))*float(raw_input("Enter Rate: "))),2)
Enter Hours: 35
Enter Rate: 2.75
Pay: 96.250000

David Roncancio's picture
David Roncancio
Thu, 2011-04-28 22:04

hmm it seems it was the %f going from 96.25 to 96.25000 i changed it to %s and worked..

>>> print "Pay: %s" % round( float(raw_input("Enter Hours: ")) * float(raw_input("Enter Rate: ")) ,2 )
Enter Hours: 35
Enter Rate: 2.75
Pay: 96.25

Tyler Cipriani's picture
Tyler Cipriani
Thu, 2011-04-28 22:36

Well, that could be because 35*2.75 is exactly 96.25 - check out: and look at formatting numbers. I ended up using %.2f" % round(rate, 2) - so a combination of methods - that's the only thing I could get to work.

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Mark Hutchison's picture
Mark Hutchison
Fri, 2011-04-29 23:19

I need more practice with github, so you'll find my week 1 answers here:

Jeremy Kao's picture
Jeremy Kao
Sat, 2011-04-30 08:41

#Exercise 2.2
>>> name = raw_input("What is your name? \n")
What is your name?
>>> print "Hello, " + name
Hello, Chuck

#Exercise 2.3
>>> hours = raw_input("Enter your hours: ")
Enter your hours: 35
>>> rate = raw_input("Enter your rate: ")
Enter your rate: 2.75
>>> pay = float(hours) * float(rate)
>>> print pay

#Exercise 2.4
1) 8
2) 8.5
3) 4.0
4) 11

#Exercise 2.5
>>> celsius = raw_input("Enter a Celsius Temperature: ")
Enter a Celsius Temperature: 100
>>> #100 degrees C is the boiling point of water
>>> final_temp = float(celsius)
>>> fahrenheit = (9.0/5) * final_temp + 32
>>> print fahrenheit
>>> #212 F is definitely the boiling point of water...

I'm starting to see the simplicity of python. In C++, you have to #include classes and using namespace std; just to print things.

Question: is there any way to like repeat what i typed previously? When i get errors, I have to type out everything again. I'm using the Python IDLE.

Jose's picture
Sun, 2011-05-01 03:31

Jeremy, you could just save your small program as a .py script. From IDLE, go to file and new. My exercises can be found there.

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Suyog B's picture
Suyog B
Mon, 2011-05-02 18:08

Answer to Ex. 2.5

# convert Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit and display new temperature
# equation is Tf = (9/5) * Tc + 32
celsius = raw_input('Enter temperature is degrees Celsius: ')
fahrenheit = (9.0/5) * float(celsius) + 32
print 'Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is: ', fahrenheit

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Christian Walch's picture
Christian Walch
Mon, 2011-05-02 20:07

Python3 Homework the exercises in the book that I wrote:


age = 25
name = 'Swaroop'

print('{0} is {1} years old'.format(name, age))
print('Why is {0} playing with that python?'.format(name))

D:\Programming Projects\Python>
Swaroop is 25 years old
Why is Swaroop playing with that python?

# Filename :

i = 5
i = i + 1

s = '''This is the multi-line string.
This is the secondline.'''

D:\Programming Projects\Python>
This is the multi-line string.
This is the secondline.

# Filename:

length = 5
breadth = 2

area = length * breadth
print('Area is', area)
print('Perimeter is', 2 * (length + breadth))

D:\Programming Projects\Python>
Area is 10
Perimeter is 14

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mark lawson's picture
mark lawson
Tue, 2011-05-03 05:35

I am not able to type a variable in a .py file, but am able to do so in the shell. using python 3.2. any ideas? thanks

Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Tue, 2011-05-03 07:02

Can you post an example code snippit where a variable assignment doesn't work? E.g.


# Save a variable
a_variable = "A value."

# Print the variable

mark lawson's picture
mark lawson
Tue, 2011-05-03 05:42

here is my work for chapter 2

Ex 2.2
name = input('enter your name\n')
print ('Hello ' + name)
""" output below
enter your name
Hello mark

Ex 2.3
hours = input ('Enter Hours: ')
rate = input ('Enter Rate: ')
#pay = int(hours)
pay = int(hours) * float(rate)
print ('Pay: ' + str(pay))
""" output below
Enter Hours: 35
Enter Rate: 2.75
Pay: 96.25

Ex 2.4
width = 17
height = 12.0
1. width/2 8.5, this is a float
2. width/2.0 8.5 this is a float
3. height/3 4, this is an float
4. 1 + 2 * 5 11, this is an int
width = 17
height = 12.0

""" output below
>>> type (width/2)

>>> type(width/2.0)

>>> type(height/3)

>>> type (1+2*5)


Ex 2.5
#program to convert degress C into degrees F, using F = 9/5C + 32
C = input('input temparture in degrees celsius ')
F = 9/5 * int(C) + 32
""" output below
input temparture in degrees celsius 100
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
input temparture in degrees celsius -40
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
input temparture in degrees celsius 0

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Luc Chase's picture
Luc Chase
Tue, 2011-05-03 19:23

# Excercise: 2.3
hours = raw_input('Enter Hours: ')
rate = raw_input('Enter Rate: ')
pay = float(hours) * float(rate)
print 'Pay: ' , pay

# re-factored
pay = float(raw_input('Enter Hours: ')) * float(raw_input('Enter Rate: '))
print 'Pay: ' , pay

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Jimmy Moore's picture
Jimmy Moore
Wed, 2011-05-04 03:13

ex. 2.2
name = raw_input('Enter your name: ')
print 'Hello, +name
ex. 2.3
hours = raw_input('Enter Hours Worked: ')
rate = raw_input('Enter Rate: ')
pay = int(hours) * float(rate)
print 'Pay: '+ str(pay)
ex. 2.4
1. 8
2. 8.5
3. 4.0
4. 11
ex. 2.5
Tc = raw_input (Enter Temperature in Celsius: ')
Tf = (9.0/5.0) * float(Tc) + 32
print Tc + (' degrees Celsius = ') + str(Tf) + (' degrees Fahrenheit')

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Luc Chase's picture
Luc Chase
Wed, 2011-05-04 11:52

# Excercise 2.5
print (float(raw_input( 'Enter Celsius value to convert to Fahrenheit. ')) * 1.8) + 32

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Luc Chase's picture
Luc Chase
Wed, 2011-05-04 11:55

# Excercise 2.4
width = 17
height = 12.0

print "For width = ",width,", width/2 is ",width/2 , " and type is", type(width/2)
print "For width = ",width,", width/2.0 is ",width/2.0 , " and type is", type(width/2.0)
print "For height = ",height,", height/3 is ",height/3 , " and type is", type(height/3)
print "1 + 2 * 5 is ",1 + 2 * 5," which is a value of type ",type(1 + 2 * 5)

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Luc Chase's picture
Luc Chase
Fri, 2011-05-06 11:51

I have a general question about the creation of variables.
Is it good practice to minimise the number of variables created in a program. It seems to me that creating a redundant variable increases the chances of an error somewhere and makes the code more convoluted than it needs to be. e.g. I don't see the point of creating a variable for something that won't change in value and is only needed once. But I see this done a lot by some very experience coders; although I rarely see it in books.

Tyler Cipriani's picture
Tyler Cipriani
Fri, 2011-05-06 15:05

Variables are created for a multitude of reasons - the reason on which you've touched is to DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) out your code (i.e. you create a variable rather than write a value multiple times); however, there are other reasons to create variables. The main reason I might create a variable for a number I'm using once is that I don't like having 'magic numbers' inside my code blocks (see definition #3 here: What I mean is that giving a variable a meaningful name like page_width or name_iterator can help you when you look back at code you've written several years ago, or help someone who's new job is to look at code you've written several years ago. Well commented code is another way around this, but, I feel, comments can sometimes become a crutch for poor variable naming.

This is just my opinion. I'm sure there are other schools of thought on this. Best practice is defined as the strong opinions agreed upon by many experts - a good Google search might be 'variable naming best practice'

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Tyler Cipriani's picture
Tyler Cipriani
Fri, 2011-05-06 16:20

I stumbled across this document when delving a bit deeper into the idea of best practice for Python - it's great reading if you're interested using Python in your line of work:

mark lawson's picture
mark lawson
Fri, 2011-05-06 20:06

I think it depends on the scope of the variable. having a bunch of unneeded global variables seems sloppy, but if a variable only exists in a certain function/object and makes things easier and more clear, then I think it is definitely a good idea. I do not know much about variables in python though, so I might be wrong.

Dónal's picture
Wed, 2011-05-11 23:28

Oops, bit late with these

Exercise 2.2
name = raw_input("Enter your name: ")
print ''.join(['Welcome ', name])

Exercise 2.3
rate = raw_input("Enter rate:")
hours = raw_input("Enter hours:")
pay = float(hours)*float(rate)
print ''.join(['Pay = ', str(pay)])

Exercise 2.5
temp_celsius = float(raw_input("Enter the temperature in Celsius: "))
temp_fahrenheit = temp_celsius*1.8 + 32
print ''.join(['Temperature in Fahrenheit: ', str(temp_fahrenheit)])

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Brylie Oxley's picture
Brylie Oxley
Thu, 2011-05-12 06:43

Not a problem. Good work!

Pein Junior's picture
Pein Junior
Mon, 2011-05-16 04:39

which python version are you using