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26 May IRC Log

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5:24pmW1NT3RMUT3Laurian: the time is now Wed May 26 16:19:46 UTC 2010
5:29pmzombieToast joined the chat room.
5:30pmDorene joined the chat room.
5:32pmDoreneGood morning...err, whatever
5:32pmDoreneMorning for me
5:32pmLaurianDana emailed me "Chiulesc azi, sunt in avion la Ora faptei. Ålesund spre Oslo. Vorbim mai încolo. " which means, I'll (willingly) miss school today, I'm on the plane at the time of the "deed" :) Talk to you later
5:33pmLauriantrying to find the proper verb for missing classes willingly

5:34pmLaurianbtw, got this from Rebecca (p2pu) today: Some of the organisers have spoken to have reported quite dramatic drop-out rates, and are upset by this. I should point out that high drop-out rates are not unusual, especially for e-learning projects, so if this did happen in your course, please don't let it make you feel bad in any way. It happens all the time, to everybody.
5:34pmDoreneDoes that make you feel better?
5:34pmLaurian... I'm also glad to hear that the Cyberpunk course is still going strong.
5:35pmLaurianI don't feel, I wasn't programmed for that :)
5:35pmDoreneI am still here!
5:35pmLaurianI wonder if they will go towards my suggestion last year
5:36pmLaurianthanks Dorene
5:36pmDoreneEven if I've been a bit lame about my assignments in the last few weeks
5:36pmDoreneMy work situation has me a bit drained emotionally and creatively
5:36pmLaurianwhen I told them that the blog format for a course is OK, and we should build an online magazine over each subject
5:37pmLaurianfeaturing articles and materials, and sometime essays from student
5:37pmLaurianto have a course engaged with more than its students
5:37pmLaurianinstead they went for a Drupal VLE ...
5:37pmLaurianI'll try to push the blog one again now
5:38pmDoreneA blog format would work really well for me, though I do enjoy the weekly chats too
5:39pmLaurianI would go for a magazine format
5:39pmzombieToastanything that a ui designer has spent more than 20 minutes on would be nice
5:40pmLauriancouple weeks ago I was thinking not to reiterate this course
5:40pmLaurianbut now I'm thinking to have it as an experiment outside the "VLE"
5:41pmzombieToasta well designed custom vle could work well
5:42pmzombieToastunfortunately I've never seen one of those...
5:42pmLauriana multi user blog as backend, with featured articles, links, materials pushed on the front page would feel better in my opinion
5:43pmzombieToastoh yeah well anything would feel better at the moment
5:43pmLauriana wiki will do
5:43pmzombieToastwhatever it is I hope they can get a ui guy on board that actually gives it some thought
5:44pmzombieToastnot a fan of wikis personally
5:44pmzombieToastI like things to look good
5:44pmzombieToastas well as function
5:44pmLaurianneither do I, but they are easy to mould into anything
5:45pmLaurianand providing templates and typed pages (via tags) you can do things while keeping the thing flexible
5:46pmzombieToastsomething bloggy is probably easier to roll out though
5:46pmLaurianso, on the course, I won't push for deadlines, but It would be nice if we can finish it by the end of June
5:46pmzombieToastshould be doable I guess
5:46pmDoreneEnd of June should be okay
5:47pmLaurianok, I just have to post the last assignment, still compiling a long nice list of writing tips and inspiration sources
5:47pmzombieToasthaha seeing as it was going to be end of april...
5:47pmLaurianthe previous one drifted too
5:49pmLaurianwould you like to be involved in the next one? as observer, contributor, critique?
5:51pmzombieToastyeah could be interesting
5:51pmDoreneI would almost like to try again...
5:51pmzombieToastI'll probably write up a crit of this round at the end anyway, had said I'd post my experiences with the course elsewhere
5:52pmLaurianDorene, I would like to come with different materials, will overlap a bit but not very much (or I'll get very bored ;) )
5:52pmLaurianthat would be great, p2pu needs a lot of feedback
5:53pmzombieToastI'll make sure to do it then
5:53pmLaurianI'll make sure I'll stress you with theb :)
5:54pmLaurianon grading, the idea was to grade on assignments but also on actual involvement, discussion, interaction
5:54pmDoreneSo how are we going to do it for this round?
5:54pmLaurianin the previous course the comments everyone left on others' assignments were regarded as important
5:55pmLaurianI feel uneasy to grade by myself those things, we should do it democratically, I  love to would make an assignment on grading others' assignments ;)
5:55pmDoreneI felt like I received zero responses/feedback to the assignment's I've completed...which was a problem I was having with discussion forums in another online clas as well
5:56pmLaurianI will discuss with Rebecca how to approach grading, she run the previous course
5:57pmzombieToastyeah there was zero response
5:57pmLaurianhides in shame
5:57pmDoreneOh, no
5:57pmDorenedon't do that
5:57pmzombieToastbut tbh after spending a few weeks researching/writing I didn't feel much like reading another x amount of papers about the same thing
5:57pmzombieToastno idea how teachers do it
5:58pmDoreneWe scan for key words ;-)
5:59pmLaurianreally, how do you grade essays? they are cohesive units of work, grade what? style? I doubt, point of view?
5:59pmLaurianinsight? arguments?
5:59pmLaurianit is tricky
5:59pmDorenePart of it really is key words...I'm looking for my students to touch on specific ideas
6:00pmDoreneand often writing isn't their best skill...we work on it, but I try to check for content before grammar and structure
6:01pmLauriankeywords, yeah, I remember a dreadful course on "Philosophical Anthropology" I had to do in univ., managed to pass the exam by writing pages with nonsense but visible keywords
6:01pmDoreneIt's hard...
6:02pmzombieToastshit works for google...
6:02pmzombieToastdumping keywords in your text to get results :p
6:03pmLaurianyeah, we should grade our essays by the rank order in google
6:03pmLaurianthat would be cyberish
6:03pmLaurianlearn SEO for a good grade in [insert discipline]
6:04pmLaurianso, end of June is feasible?
6:04pmzombieToastwill try anyway
6:05pmzombieToastJune is a busy month
6:05pmLaurianI'll post this weekend the materials and the final assignment (with an essay alternative to own fiction)
6:05pmW1NT3RMUT3 left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
6:05pmLaurianand discuss grading with Rebecca, and on how to approach next course
6:06pmLaurianoops, bot died? ssh-ing to Canada to rescue it
6:06pmDoreneW1NT3RMUT3 quit?
6:06pmzombieToasttimed out
6:06pmDoreneHow does a bot quit?
6:06pmLauriannetwork issues, hmmm
6:07pmW1NT3RMUT3 joined the chat room.
6:07pmW1NT3RMUT3Laurian: the time is now Wed May 26 17:02:19 UTC 2010
6:07pmLaurian"It is alive" (evil laugh)
6:07pmzombieToastSo how about that Marc Gasson guy, I'm just seeing him come by in my feeds for like the millionth time today
6:07pmLaurianI must also clean the code of the bot and open source it
6:08pmzombieToasthe is so *not* 'infected with a computer virus'
6:08pmLaurianwell, nice story in the end
6:08pmLaurianhis implant
6:08pmzombieToasthe cut himself open & dumped in a chip
6:09pmzombieToastpeople do that in their bathrooms
6:09pmLaurianin Chiba city, yes, they do :)
6:09pmzombieToastno actual
6:09pmzombieToastdiy transhuman enthusiasts
6:09pmzombieToastthey're around
6:10pmzombieToastthis guy is from the same university as that other one, kevin something i think?
6:10pmzombieToasthe was claiming to be 'the worlds first human cyborg' a few years ago
6:10pmLaurianI believe so
6:10pmDorenewas it just an exercise to see if he could do it?
6:11pmzombieToastyeah reading
6:11pmzombieToastfirst cyborg? in 2002? with just a chip in his arm?
6:11pmLaurianis 2 hours drive from me
6:11pmzombieToastwhat about everyone with a pacemaker or on an iron lung
6:11pmLaurianpacemakers are hackable
6:11pmLaurianyeah, they are cyborgs
6:12pmLaurianbut not aknowledged so
6:12pmDorenedoesn't that come back to the basic question? Where is the limit for what defines a "cyborg"
6:12pmLaurianeven an insulin pump is cyborg for me
6:12pmW1NT3RMUT3 left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
6:12pmzombieToastanyway, reading uni has somewhat sensationalist headline tendencies, that annoyed me
6:12pmLauriannow wintermute is playing tricks
6:13pmDoreneMaybe he doesn't like the subject matter?
6:13pmLaurianyeah, feels threatened
6:13pmzombieToastD: yeah it does come down to how you define a cyborg
6:13pmzombieToasthaha stupid emotes
6:13pmzombieToastD :
6:13pmW1NT3RMUT3 joined the chat room.
6:13pmLaurian"A cyborg is a (i.e. an organism that has both artificial and natural systems)" wikipedia
6:13pmzombieToastbut you'd have to have a pretty convoluted definaition for that guy to have been the first
6:14pmLaurianI wouldn't say that an implant makes you cyborg unless it
6:14pmDoreneWow, that is pretty broad
6:14pmLaurianit intervenes with your systems
6:14pmzombieToastif it has some kind of nervous control system that you'll die wthout
6:14pmLaurianlike endocryne, nervous
6:15pmLaurianan insulin pump, a pacemaker, they both make you cyborg
6:15pmzombieToasthip implant = maybe not, pacemaker yes
6:15pmLauriana rfid tag to open the door is unlikely to be cyborg
6:15pmLaurianbrain pacemakers? double yes
6:15pmDoreneso merely a cyber feature
6:16pmLaurianlovely area
6:16pmLauriana brain pacemaker is an invasive for now, Penfield mood organ ;)
6:17pmLauriandial 545 for ...
6:17pmDoreneso circuitry that does the same for mood altering as certain drugs might
6:17pmLaurianwe're getting close to Tek
6:18pmzombieToastlol wasn't tek a william shatner novel?
6:18pmLaurianI have the DVDs too, lovely series
6:18pmLaurianancient too
6:19pmLaurian'Thirst for knowledge' may be opium craving
6:19pmLaurianThe brain's reward for getting a concept is a shot of natural opiates
6:20pmLaurianand we get this with external stimulation
6:20pmLauriannow getting into the brain comm system would be lovely
6:20pmzombieToastyeah you gys can beta test all that stuff thanks
6:20pmzombieToastlet me know when you hit 3.1
6:21pmLaurianhmmm, one of my univ. colleagues is a neurosurgeon, I'll ask him if I can get any electrodes fit ;)
6:22pmDoreneKind of lingering side effects as the opiate wears off
6:22pmLaurianthen I'll write drivers for myself, LOL
6:22pmDoreneone would hope anyway
6:23pmLaurianDorene: when we'll get to the point of stimulating without electrodes, it would be lovely
6:23pmzombieToastcomplications include "short battery life, abrupt symptom worsening upon cessation of stimulation, hypomanic or manic conversion, and the significant time and effort involved in optimizing stimulation parameters"
6:23pmLauriannow you just cannot stick a needle anywhere without risking a lobotomy
6:24pmLaurianzombieToast: yeah, you need to "tune" the device for each brain
6:24pmzombieToast"possibility of apathy, hallucinations, compulsive gambling, hypersexuality, cognitive  dysfunction, and depression."
6:24pmDoreneOkay, seriously, do you guys think the world will actually get to the places we speculate?
6:24pmzombieToastparts of it
6:24pmzombieToasteventually most probably
6:25pmzombieToastsome will become extreme human urist techno luddite types
6:25pmzombieToastwe'll keep them on reserves
6:25pmDoreneon reserves for what?
6:25pmzombieToasthuman 1.0
6:25pmLaurianunspoiled gene pool
6:26pmLaurianmuseums (evil)
6:26pmDorenepreserved specimens for baseline comparison?
6:26pmLaurian"native humans"
6:26pmzombieToastwell unspoiled...
6:27pmDorenein case we need to return to square one and start over
6:27pmLaurianand when they won't accept the reality anymore, will wire them into that consensual hallucination, you know, the Matrix
6:27pmDoreneI think I'm becoming slightly creeped out
6:27pmLaurianI'm crazy I know :)
6:28pmzombieToastwell if you look at what people predicted for 2010 and whats actually going on now there's no way anyone could have made this shit up
6:28pmLaurianzombieToast, but we're still far away from Blade Runner (2019)
6:29pmLaurianboth the androids and the space colonies
6:29pmzombieToastreally, what's far away? (besides replicants & off world colonies)
6:29pmLaurianas for environmental damage we're getting there
6:29pmLauriankipple is already here
6:30pmDorenewe're certainly going down the environmental road depicted in Blade Runner
6:30pmzombieToastwe're there & past imo
6:30pmLaurianand we'll get "specials" faster than we'll get androids, unfortunatelly
6:30pmzombieToastlol we have specials
6:31pmDoreneI think in our case, the toxic concern is just less's there, but unacknowledged broadly
6:31pmDoreneor at least accepted as a the price we pay for progress
6:31pmLaurianbtw, Dorene, you're in US, how is the perception on the oil spill thing?
6:31pmzombieToastwhy are there no mobs with torches & pitchforks outside bp?
6:32pmLaurianbtw, Unsettling. How big is the Gulf oil spill compared to your city?
6:32pmzombieToasthah just saw that come past too
6:32pmDorenePeople around here, and remember I am way up in the NW corner of the country, are appalled at the lack of accountability by BP
6:32pmDorenebut we have a tendency to criticize anything remote to our little pristine corner of the world
6:32pmLaurianscrew BP, I was expecting NASA to take over and solve it
6:33pmLaurianI see no leadership
6:33pmDoreneshoot our city councils are condemning and boycotting the state of Arizona for god's sake
6:33pmLaurianArizona, on the immigrant thing?
6:33pmzombieToastshould have just nuked it from orbit
6:33pmzombieToastonly way to be sure
6:33pmDorenewhich has nothing to do with BP...but still remote enough not to be our issue. While still appalling...
6:34pmDoreneYes the immigrant thing
6:34pmLaurianright wing is growing strong in Europe too
6:34pmzombieToastyeah some right crazies out atm
6:34pmLaurianwith this economic downturn everybody turns on the jobs immigrants "steal"
6:34pmLaurianat the moment
6:35pmzombieToastatm = at the moment
6:35pmDoreneThe thing is
6:35pmDoreneno one wants the jobs they accuse the immagrants of "stealing"
6:35pmLaurianyup, but they still scream over them
6:36pmDoreneand as far as the oil spill, everyone is vocal about it, but no one is in a position to do anything
6:36pmDoreneand as far as NASA is concerned, they've just had their budget cut drastically
6:37pmLauriancut the flagship, dream of what? this is not good for kids
6:37pmzombieToastyeah bp could be sucking that oil up with other tankers
6:37pmDoreneOh, dang
6:37pmDoreneit's after 10:30
6:37pmDoreneI need to head out
6:38pmLaurianok, see you next week
6:38pmDorene left the chat room. (Quit: Page closed)
6:38pmzombieToastk later
6:38pmLauriansame here
6:39pmzombieToast left the chat room. (Quit: JUST NUKE IT)