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Mashing Up The Open Web - Mar 2010

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for joining the course and for being patient while we figure out the best time for our course meetings. I'd like to start off with an introduction thread, please share a little with the group about your background and what you're hoping to learn in the next six weeks.

I'll start:

I'm here to help facilitate the group learning experience. I'll lay out a rough plan of what we're going to study and lend a hand in helping everyone understand the materials. I'm happy to (at least try to) answer your questions. I'm really looking forward to solidifying my understanding of key web technologies. As I'm sure you know, teaching is one of the best ways to learn.

I'm also looking forward to playing with all sorts of visualizations tools like SIMILE timelines, Open Street Maps, and Google Charts API. Most of all I can't wait to see what you all create.

John Britton

Lucian Teo's picture
Lucian Teo
Sat, 2010-03-13 06:12

Hi all,

I hope I'm not out of my depth on this course. I'm mostly a front-end designer, so (x)html and CSS would be stuff I can do. It's a leap of faith, but I hope to come out of this course with some working knowledge of how to smash databases together. :)

Tanushree Jindal's picture
Tanushree Jindal
Sat, 2010-03-13 11:25

Hello all,

I have a background in development on .NET platform and Microsoft Technlogies.. I am now pursuing a Master's in Information Science (am looking more into how people use technology and how can we design suitable systems).. So I am not too familiar with the technologies and languages that we will be working with.

I really wish to engage with the rapidly emerging idea of "mashing up the open web" and the "openness" is very exciting!

Apart from that, another primary motive for me being in this class is to understand and observe more closely/qualitatively how P2PU functions, how we choose to interact and how learning takes place (or does not) between us peers.

I would love to talk to you (anybody who's interested!) about your interests, motivation for joining P2PU, how you like the course, and anything else that you may want to discuss!

I will send a separate, more detailed note on this soon.

Look forward to seeing you all in class,

hemanth hm's picture
hemanth hm
Sat, 2010-03-13 12:23

Hi all,
Hemanth is a software developer in a start-up from an Ex-Amazonian,he has a great respect towards open source and free software, always happy to contribute to the open web, after this session he would definitely get more arrows in his quivers and would contribute more.He also maintains a trivial site where he updates about his experiments on GNU/Linux.

Happy hacking.
Hemanth HM

Dennis Riedel's picture
Dennis Riedel
Sat, 2010-03-13 16:17

Hello everybody

I have studied computer science and media design and started to work as a web developer 4 years ago. In the meantime I transformed more to consulting and project management.

I am interested in internet technologies and ongoing developments and with this course I want to get a better understanding of the available APIs and services to "mash something up".

Looking forward to meet and work with people in this peer-to-peer concept of learning. Also interested in insights from this experience regarding the used technology and final outcomes.


Paul Osman's picture
Paul Osman
Sun, 2010-03-14 00:06

Hi Everyone,

I'm a software developer, currently working for FreshBooks -- a Toronto based online billing service -- where I'm the API & Integrations team lead. A big part of my job involves building out our platform with Open Web technologies (OAuth, WebHooks, etc).

I also help organize a local meetup group called OpenWebTO. The goal of the group is to facilitate discussion amongst Toronto-area developers and designers working with Open Web technologies.

I'm looking forward to working with everyone. I think the P2PU approach is pretty exciting and this course is a great way to promote Open Web tech.

Paul Osman

Douglas Whitfield's picture
Douglas Whitfield
Sun, 2010-03-14 01:04

Just checking me out on the tubes will do more for you than me typing a bit here.

Just about anywhere douglasawh or dawhitfield is used, it's me. I won't be held responsible for everything though. ;)

I'm the president of the Madison Linux User Group, have helped run two Open Everything events in Madison and started the Carolina Open Source Initiative while in Chapel Hill. Clearly 'open' is important to me!

Mary Alton's picture
Mary Alton
Sun, 2010-03-14 01:20

I've been doing front end design of software, web and in user experience, since the mid 90's. Before that I considered myself an artist and worked in the arcane tech of holography. Skills include illustration, html, css, flash, video. I am very interested in expanding tech skills php, jquery, SIMILE etc. Currently travelling in Russia and designing iphone interface for travel guide. Very interested in gps and mapping + interactions with locations of cultural significance and cell phone tech. Interested in collaboration and the process of collaboration.

Rishabh Rao's picture
Rishabh Rao
Mon, 2010-03-15 03:58

Hi! I'm Rishabh from Bangalore! I've worked on Java servlets (, JavaFX ( etc.

I'm currently studying my B.E. (final year now) and we have Web 2.0 as a subject in our curriculum.

Thank you!

Basil Kolani's picture
Basil Kolani
Mon, 2010-03-15 18:02

Hi. I'm the tech director at a K12 school. More and more, we're teaching our K12 (ok, mostly 9-12) students about all sorts of online tools, sending them all over the web to login to this site or that, to be a part of the participtaory web, but they're not always able to keep up with the steady stream of new information. I'm hoping to find ways to bring all their info to them in a consolidated place, or at least that's my goal.

I'm editing this after posting a while ago, but I should have mentioned that I've been mostly doing front-end development for a while with x/html. I can follow along with PHP and use a lot of canned PHP/MySQL packages, but that's about it. I'd like to say that I've played around with Ruby, but I'm not even sure my Ruby experiments are anything to speak of at all.


Edward Andrews's picture
Edward Andrews
Mon, 2010-03-15 17:56

Hello everyone

I'm a primary school (children aged 5-11) teacher in the UK. I'm pretty good with HTML and CSS, and have programmed in various languages, starting with BBC Basic, through pascal, to python, php and ruby. I actually built something useful in pascal - the others have just been to see what they're like. I've done some java for an open university course, but have done no javascript. I've got several websites I play with, but at the moment I mostly use drupal and wordpress.

I'm looking forward to learning how to use existing tools to extend interfaces to information.


Sam Brewer's picture
Sam Brewer
Mon, 2010-03-15 18:10

Hello All,

With the exception of playing around with Drupal a little bit, I am almost entirely new to web development and hope to gain some broad exposure from this course. I am attracted to the philosophy of open, and curious to learn about the process and tools used in creating useful mashups.

Sam Brewer

johnstauffer's picture
Thu, 2010-03-18 21:28

Hi everyone. I hope I'm not in over my head here. I'm currently working in social media and many of the applications we develop rely on a Mashup data applications. I have limited experience in HTML but am looking forward to learning more - especially open street maps and google charts API.

johnstauffer's picture
Fri, 2010-03-19 15:24

Hi all, I hope I'm not out of my depth in this course. I work as a digital strategist primarily in social media. I know a little HTML but not much beyond the basics. I'm really interested to learn to work with Open Street Maps and Google's APIs.

Oren's picture
Sat, 2010-03-20 15:06

Hi all,

I'm a fresh CS graduate with 5 years of freelance web development experience, mostly trivial self-written php-templated sites. For the last 8 months I've been a fulltime webmaster for a Chinese environnmental NGO, where I taught myself enough Joomla that I'm teaching myself Drupal now. =p

I recently fell in love with Ruby, and, similar to Lucian, want to branch out of design hacks into data hacks.

I really like linguistics and natural language processing, and use emacs on Ubuntu.
