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Beginning Python Webservices

Week 1 Notes

Caley Woods's picture
Fri, 2010-09-17 21:49

In college I would've charged $5 for these, consider yourself lucky.

Python Webservices:
Class #1

Instructor: Jeff Hammel
Date: 16-9-2010

This first class took place in #p2pu-webcraft/beginning-python-webservices on since we had audio issues (static, etc) on skype.

Class started about 11:45p EDT/10:45p CDT/8:45p PDT/3:45a GMT.

Hobs was nice enough to point out the unabridged chat can be found here

So skip past us shooting the breeze, some mentions of World of Warcraft, and some other geek stuff and we move onto the topic of webservices. I have distilled the chat into some points for everyone, please continue reading.

  • Beginning python webservices will focus on learning three primary things
    • http
    • python
    • mashing them together to make webservices
  • A webservice listens to HTTP requests and gives back a response
    • Can also do a number of other things that will be covered later
  • Webservices that are consumable are more interesting
    • Consumable means they can be used  by multiple parties (humans and computers)
  • Google’s GeoLocation webservice was looked at
  • Webservices are very good at solving problems that have a very finite scope
  • HTTP has “verbs” we discussed two of them:
    • GET is used to request data
      • When you type into your browser, it performs a GET request
    • POST is used to update data
      • If you’ve ever filled out a form on a webpage and clicked submit, the submit button makes the form POST its data to the server
  • It’s best to compartmentalize your services
    • This means don’t make 10 webservices for your site and lump all the code into one spot, make “modules” they are far easier to debug and maintain
  • There will some homework involved in the class
  • Beginning Python Webservices will flip to more empirical (learn by doing) after the third class
  • Next class will cover HTTP and the class after that will focus on Python, especially as it relates to the web
  • Some of us decided to pronounce Webob as we-bob instead of the proper Web-Oh Bee just for kicks

 If anyone has additions, just post updates. Happy coding!