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Drupal Social Web Application

Week 2 - notes

Nicholas Wang's picture
Sat, 2010-09-25 14:18

Video chat link:

I suggest for the most part, we don't look at the tokbox screen, but rather open up piratepad - so we can all talk and take notes at the same time.


Only 2 people showed up, Dan Diebolt and Nicholas Herbaut, but once again, everyone was very interested and asked a lot of questions about Open Hippel and what it can do... the class ended up being 1:40 long!

There were complaints about the P2PU website being hard to use & hard to find information...  hence I had to repeat some of the Git related information posted in Week 1's notes.

Then, I got what we've development so far set up online, so Dan and Nicholas registered and tried it.

Open Hippel test site at:
(menu are not there yet so you'll need to know specific Drupal links like /user /logout /node/add /node/add/idea ... etc etc)

To create a new idea:

Feedback by Dan:
OpenHippel Usage Notes
  • When creating a new idea and setting the tag it isn't clear how the interface works. The taxonomy needs to be populated with meaningful choices or a user needs to be able to add their own tag

Then, we move on to finding our tasks for next week.  We looked at the web design wireframes that David created:

(David, Dan asked what tool you used to create the wireframes)

I suggested we do the "Activity Feed" on the "Home - logged in" page (the 3rd link on the left).  So, here's your task for this week.  Create a "Block" with the latest user activities listed.  Let's all post any related information on this in the forum - what module to use?  what API?  Any tutorial online... etc.

Next Saturday's video session, we'll all share how we had done it.



I've started work on this

Ross Gardler's picture
Ross Gardler
Tue, 2010-09-28 03:52

I've started work on this using the Activity module. It is not complete yet, I encourage others to chip in where you can, there's plenty to do still.

The required feature is at please consider clonging it and improving it (please keep the README up to date with respect to tasks complete and things todo)


Created basic activity stream
Created basic block to display stream
Added block to sidebar (not corect place according to wireframe)
Created hippel_activity feature


Verify the feature includes the activity templates (I have a feeling it does not)
Add all relevent activity templates
Style the block correctly according to wireframe
Test for users other than admin


Here's how I did what I have done.

Install and enable the module using the following commands:

drush dl activity
drush en activity

Add the module to the drush make file

Now set up a couple of activity messages at http://localhost/openhippel/admin/build/activity

(I've added a message for idea creation and idea updating, lots more need adding)

Enable the "all_activity" view, clone it as "hippel_activity"
edit this view
Add a new block with the name and title of "Activity Feed"
Change style to "table"
Save the view
Disable the "all_activity" view

Now add the block to the siderbar at http://localhost/openhippel/admin/build/block

Created a hippel_activity feature