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Embed ChartBeat Widgets (uses MooTools not jQuery)

Dan Diebolt's picture
Sun, 2011-03-13 17:16

Embed ChartBeat Widgets (uses MooTools not jQuery)

Embed ChartBeat Widgets ScreenShot (API times out frequently; here is screenshot image)

Check Out TreeMap - second from last item.

<h3>Embed ChartBeat Widgets (uses MooTools not jQuery)</h3>
<iframe frameborder="no" height="500" id="myiframe" src=",html,css,js/" width="550"></iframe>
<h3>Embed ChartBeat Widgets ScreenShot (API times out frequently; here is screenshot image)</h3>
<h3>Check Out <a href="">TreeMap</a> - second from last item.</h3>
<img src="" width="550" />