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Games and learning

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I know we have a number of educators in this group who are interested in educational value of playing and building games, so I wanted to set up an area for you to share related thoughts and links.

I'll start...

  • The New York Times just published an great article about the Quest to Learn school. Definitely worth reading: Learning by Playing: Video Games in the Classroom
  • Katie Salen, the founder (I believe) of the Quest to Learn school, was also involved in creating Gamestar Mechanic, a website that based around fixing "broken" games, just opened for beta testing. "Gamestar Mechanic is a game-based digital learning platform designed to teach the guiding principles of game design and systems thinking in a highly engaging and creative environment."
  • Finally, the National STEM Video Game Challenge was just announced last week. There's a special Youth Prize track for middle school students (grades 5-8) to enter the competition by designing original video games, with a $50,000 prize pool. Games built with Sketchpad are eligible to enter, as are paper-based game designs.

What else?

Andrew Wetzel's picture
Andrew Wetzel
Thu, 2010-09-23 17:10

This from The Atlantic might also be of interest: Can Video Games Be Journalism. The article makes the point (with examples) that games are particularly good at teaching systems, offering an "experience of how something works rather than a description of key events and players."

Nathaniel Phillips's picture
Nathaniel Phillips
Sun, 2010-09-26 08:01

Quest to Learn's classroom style reminded me of this blog:

Seemed to me like the class described in the blog was just a standard class with a different facade. I always felt like there should be more reward for "quests" and "leveling" than just experience and a grade.