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Course wrap up and output: Notes on Reading Code

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Hi all!

At the end of our previous sessions, we decided a good way to wrap up the course would be to document some best practices on reading code, and also recommendations to developers who want to write readable code. Looks like there's some good stuff in the etherpad document!  I feel like we could flesh it out a bit more still, and have added a bit but feel free to 

Also at the P2PU community 

meeting in Barcelona last week, we decided that one goal for the site is to create a showcase of course outputs. That won't be ready for a while, but this is the kind of thing that could get "showcased" there. 

The course has sort of wrapped up now, but there's no reason we can't keep reading or sharing things related to code reading. This was my first p2pu class, and it was a ton of fun-- and a LOT of learning! I think next time I would make it a bit more slow paced, giving us more time to explore each framework, with more specific types of outputs to work on. The coolest part for me was how everyone had great ideas I had not even thought of, about how to make the course more specific and focused, and tools to use. You guys really made the course, so thank you so much! 

If anyone is interested in coordinating to teach this course in the future, or has ideas for future courses, please share them or let me know. 

There's no rush to "finish" the reading code course notes, and in fact I think it *should* be a living document. But it would be great to get our experience in there before we forget :). So, please take a few minutes to add/refine as you see fit, and throw out any questions or ideas if you have them. Think about what you would have wanted to have as a reference 6 weeks ago :). 


Jessy Cowan-Sharp's picture
Jessy Cowan-Sharp
Fri, 2010-11-05 21:48

FYI I've been adding to the output document:

Feel free to add/refine/improve... :)