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[W7] Presentation

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Hello everyone, 

This space is reserved for each group to present their solution to our briefing: "digital experience of receiving and giving gifts".
We've been following the results so far and lots of great ideas have shown up! We'd like to post the final versions this Sunday, March 20th.

Vanessa Gennarelli's picture
Vanessa Gennarelli
Sun, 2011-03-20 21:29

Gift-O-Gram--Group G-L
Our project tackled the symbolic experience of gift giving, and sought to replicate that experience digitally. The design prizes ease of use and user choice by revolutionizing the gift-giving experience.

Giving Experience
The “Gifter” is welcomed to our splash page, where they select what kind of gift they would like to give, and how to customize the gift presentation be tactile, audio, visual, or some combination of the above. You can see the placeholders for the different product options at the bottom of the “Giving Page.” After the Gifter sends, email notifications are sent to both Gifter and Giftee.

Receiving Experience
The “Giftee” receives an email notifying them of an awaiting gift, and when they arrive the Giftee user selects one of three options:
1.) Hear it: Giftee hears audio descriptions of the gift exterior, gift unwrapping process, and final product.
2.) Watch it: Giftee sees present on screen, and digitally unwraps gift using mouse.
3.) Unwrap/Interact: Giftee prints out likeness of gift, shows gift ticket to web cam application, which shows a gift-plus premium video of an “Augmented Gift” unwrapping.

Garrett Polifka's picture
Garrett Polifka
Sun, 2011-03-20 21:36

Our presentation file can be reviewed in the Course Materials.

Thao Vo's picture
Thao Vo
Mon, 2011-03-21 09:42

You can view Group S-Z's project at our website:
where we've documented a little bit of our process.

The gift-giving and gift-receiving process in this project are meant to complement the service you receive at any major website that sells candy, such as the See's online store. This propject picks up where the website experience might end.

After going through the process of selecting and purchasing the actual gift at the website, the user is given the option to allow the recipient to enjoy a digital version of the gift. The digital version is sort of like a digital memory box (between the giver and the recipient) that includes multimedia content such as videos, photos, and music. The user is allowed to attach multimedia content to the digital version of the gift so that it can include a photo album, a mixtape, a video archive, or a combination of these.

To go straight to the gift-giving process:

The gift-receiving end can be viewed here:

João Menezes's picture
João Menezes
Tue, 2011-03-22 14:26

Hello everyone,

Euge and I are very glad to see your results. It's rewarding to see you guys involved in a UX project with clear responsabilities to think thru the user's point of view as well as care about the details that compose an usable and accessible website.

As a form to say a "virtual thank you", our course has been selected to participate in the Badges Pilot here at P2PU. All of the people that participated in the iterations will receive a digital "Accessibility" badge, that certificates you as a webcrafter all over open source initiatives from Mozilla.

Thanks for making this a great journey!

Thao Vo's picture
Thao Vo
Wed, 2011-03-23 19:45

How cool! Thanks João, Euge and everyone in the class! A special thank you to the people at P2PU for making it happen!

Rosa Torguet's picture
Rosa Torguet
Sat, 2011-04-02 18:45

First, sorry for the delay on sharing the presentation with everyone, the work was done by the deadline but we didn't have the English and Spanish description until today.

The following is the presentation of Group M - R.

Our project represents the digital experience of receiving and giving gifts. Our product is called Digigift. It allows
a user to either send or receive a virtual gift or a real one.

Our wireframe presentation can be seen here:

Main/Home Page Description:

When the Digigift web application is first loaded, the user
will see a page that provides them with a main navigation that alows the user to click to view pages that offer
information about the application, or to get back to the
home page once the user navigates away from it.In
addition to this, on the home page, the user is offered
options to either send a gift or open (receive) a gift, by
clicking the relevant buttons. The user is also allowed to
choose either Spanish or English as their preferred language
when using Digigift.

General Process of Sending a Gift:

A user may send a gift by clicking the "START" button on the
home page of the Digigift web application. When this is done
the user is given the option of sending a free virtual gift, or to buy a real gift from a local Artisan in order
for it to be sent to the gift receiver. Regardless of which
type of gift a user chooses to send, he or she will be taken
to a different page that guides the user through the process
of selecting and sending a gift. On each of these pages
there is a highly visible bar at the top that shows the user
what step of the gift giving process is currently being
experienced. After each completed step, the user has the
option of moving forward, or going backward to the previous step.

Sending a Free Virtual Gift:

The experience of sending the free virtual gift includes
3 steps. These are picking, wrapping and sending. The
first step allows the user to select the gift that they
would like to send from a visual list of free virtual gifts
offered by Digigift. After this, when the step 2 button
button is clicked, the user will be taken to the Wrap page
that allows them to choose the type of wrapping to use as
well as different styles or patterns of the wrapping. After
this, when the step 3 button is clicked, the user will be
taken to the Send page which gives them several other
options to make the gift receiving experience more
pleasurable. These options include writing a note, adding a
photo, as well as adding a sound file. In addition to this,
on the Send page the user is required to enter the name and
email address of the recipient of the free virtual gift.
After this is done, the user is required to click a button
in order to preview the gift. On the Digigift preview page
the user will see the gift in the same way that it will be
presented to the receiver. On this page, the user is allowed
to either go back to step 3 in order to make changes or to
send the virtual gift by the clicking the corresponding
buttons. If the send gift button is clicked, a "Thank You" page will be shown to the gift sender and an email about
the virtual gift will be sent to the receiver's email
address. In this email, the receiver will be given the web
address of the Digigift web application, as well as a specific code to use in order to gain access to their virtual gift.

Sending a Real Gift:

For sending a real gift, the user is allowed to select a country or city where he or she would like to buy a real
gift from an Artisan in that geographic area. After this,
the user is allowed to click the "Find a gift" button that
will take them to the first page of the 3 step process of
picking, paying and sending the gift. In the first step of
this process the user is allowed to select a store and a
specific gift that they want to buy. For step 2, they are
allowed to pay using a credit card, cheque or online services such as paypal. After this the user will be taken
to the same Send page that is used when sending a free
virtual gift. And the process of previewing and finally
sending the gift is the same as with the free gift after this.

Receiving a Free Virtual Gift:

An email about the virtual gift will be sent to the
receiver's email address. In this email, the receiver will
be given the url or web address of the Digigift web application, as well as a specific gift code to use in order
to gain access to their virtual gift. When the user clicks
the the url link, the home page of the Digigift web application will open in a separate web browser window.

On the Digigift home page, the user is required to enter the
gift code that was emailed to them, then click open. When
the open button is clicked, the user will be taken to a page
that shows a picture of a wrapped version of their gift. On
this page they can either choose to unwrap the gift or read
the card that was sent with the gift. If the "See what's inside" button is clicked a page will be loaded that displays the gift, along with a short description of it, as
well as another button to read the card. When the "Read the
card" button is clicked, the photo, sender's message, along
with the audio file will be displayed and played on the next
page. Below all of this, the gift receiver is given the
option of sending a gift as well.

Receiving a Real Gift:

Using Digigift's premium package shipment services, the real
gift will be delivered to the home or specified address of the receiver. A maximum delivery time of 1 week is required for deliveries anywhere in the world.

A continuación puede verse la presentación del Grupo M-R

Nuestro proyecto representa la experiencia digital de recibir y dar regalos. El nombre de nuestro producto es 'Digigift' y permite al usuario enviar o recibir regalos de forma virtual e incluso real.

Nuestra propuesta se puede ver en el siguiente link (en inglés):

Descripción de la página principal:

Cuando se abre la web el usuario accede a una página en la que aparece un menú principal que ofrece al usuario la opción de seleccionar y navegar a páginas que contienen información sobre el servicio. En la página principal el usuario también tiene la opción de elegir enviar un regalo o abrir, seleccionando la opción en función de sus deseos. La página tiene la opción de cambio de idioma inglés/español.

Proceso de envío de un regalo:

El usuario puede enviar un regalo seleccionando el botón 'Empezar' de la página principal. Después de hacer esto el usuario tiene la opción de decidir si quiere hacer un regalo virtual y de forma gratuita o prefiere comprar un regalo real de una de las tiendas con productos artesanos que se han unido al proyecto, para que sea enviado a la dirección dada. En función de la elección realizada el usuario navegara por un proceso distinto de selección del regalo y envío del mismo. En ambos procesos (regalo real o regalo digital) el usuario puede apreciar una barra horizontal perfectamente visible que muestra los pasos a seguir y señala cuál es el paso en el que el usuario se encuentra en cada momento. Tras completar cada uno de los pasos el usuario puede retroceder al paso anterior o avanzar al siguiente.

Enviar un regalo virtual gratuito:
La experiencia de enviar un regalo virtual gratuito incluye tres pasos que son: escoger, envolver y enviar. El primero permite al usuario elegir el regalo que le gustaría enviar de una lista que ofrece Digigift. A continuación al seleccionar el paso dos la aplicación avanza hacia la página de envoltorios que permite al usuario seleccionar el tipo de envoltorio que desea así como diferentes estilos y estampados. Después de esto y al seleccionar el botón para realizar el siguiente paso, la página de enviar aparece y es donde el usuario puede elegir más opciones para enriquecer la experiencia de recibir el regalo estas opciones incluyen: escribir una nota, añadir una foto o un archivo de sonido. En esta misma página de envio el usuario tiene que introducir el nombre y dirección de correo electrónico de la persona a la que va dirigido el regalo.
Depués de completar la información, el usuario tiene que seleccionar el botón de vista previa, en esta página el usuario puede retroceder al paso 3 o bien enviar su regalo virtual al seleccionar el botón correspondiente. Cuando el botón 'Enviar' es pulsado aparece una página de agradecimiento y de forma automática se envía un correo electrónico avisando sobre el regalo virtual a la persona que lo tiene que recibir, en el que recibe un link a la página web de 'Digigift' y un código para abrir su regalo virtual.

Enviar un regalo real:

Para enviar un regalo real el usuario tiene que elegir el país y la ciudad en los que quiere comprar el artículo de regalo artesanal de esa zona geográfica. Tras elegir el área, el usuario empieza un proceso de tres pasos que empieza con la selección de la tienda de un listado de las disponibles en la zona seleccionada y del artículo de regalo. Seguidamente, en el segundo paso, el usuario puede elegir cuál es el modo de pago que más le conviene entre tarjeta de crédito/debito, cheque o servicios online tipo paypal. Después de esto el usuario accede a una página de envio igual que en la opción del regalo virtual gratuito en este punto el proceso se unifica a este y es exactamente igual en adelante.

Recibir un regalo virtual gratuito:

Como ya hemos dicho la persona que recibe el regalo recibirá un correo electrónico con la información necesaria para entrar a la página de Digigift y que introduzca su código de regalo.
En la página principal del servicio, el usario tiene que introducir este código para tener acceso a su regalo pulsando el botón 'Abrir'. Inmediatamente el usuario podrá ver una imagen del producto envuelto, en este momento puede elegir desenvolverlo o acceder a la tarjeta que va con el regalo. Si el usuario elige desenvolver seleccionando el botón 'ver lo que hay dentro' una imagen del regalo aparecerá en la siguiente pantalla con una descripción corta de lo que es y un botón que da la opción de acceder a la tarjeta. Cuand el usuario elija ver la tarjeta toda la información y archivos agregados aparecerán (foto, archivo de audio..) aparecerán en una nueva pantalla y debajo de su regalo el usuario tendrá la opción de regalar un 'Digigift'.

Recibir un regalo real:

Si el usuario lo desea puede acceder a la opción de hacer un regalo real que 'Digigift' ofrece y de esta manera enviar un artículo que elegirá en la zona geográfica en la que reside la persona que va a recibir el regalo. El regalo será enviado a la dirección indicada en un máximo de una semana a cualquier parte del mundo.