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2nd assignment url, with list of plugins, etc.

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For my second assignment, I used the same instance as before, but just added a new page.  You can see it at

This is based on the Manhattan child theme from StudioPress (genesis).  I created a page template, added two sidebar areas, left and right, and used the Featured Post Widget (from StudioPress) to generate the two loops.  In the left I used a featured image, and none in the right.

I hope this is what was intended.  


Núria Ramoneda Aiguadé's picture
Núria Ramoneda Ai...
Wed, 2011-02-02 22:26

Hi Danny, very nice your site, I like it.
Only one appoint, I think that the assignement also includes to make different the single posts. This is I unterstand from reading this lines:
"He would like that the posts that go into the second category be styled differently, although in the same


Danny Smith's picture
Danny Smith
Wed, 2011-02-02 22:55

I couldn't tell if he wanted two columns side by side with each styled differently, or one column with two types of styles within it. Ok, I may create a third one as a combination of the first two.

Danny Smith's picture
Danny Smith
Thu, 2011-02-03 03:52

Ok, I now have one column that has two categories contained within. It took a custom loop to do it, but if that is what he is wanting, it should be ok now.

Núria Ramoneda Aiguadé's picture
Núria Ramoneda Ai...
Fri, 2011-02-04 01:12

Hi Danny, I think that your first approach with two columns was perfectly correct. That I want to appoint before was that the single post of each category have to be also different. For example, this single posts:
that belongs to the "casual wokrk" category, would be styled different that this others:
that belongs to the second category.

I hope this would be more understandable :-)

praveen's picture
Fri, 2011-02-04 18:33

Hi Nuno/Team

Please find my assignment 2 at

Here as you see , For all the posts with the category as "professional work" , I have used a Red background and a red font while the other category posts are plain.

I refered for doing this.


Gebhard Matt's picture
Gebhard Matt
Sat, 2011-02-05 14:19

my assignment is at the same URL:

I made 2 menu items, one for each category: "Casual Photos" and "The Second One"

Igor Spasojevic's picture
Igor Spasojevic
Sun, 2011-02-06 15:46

Hi all

Assigment no. 2 >
'Category X' have grey background.

No modifying .php files, just put few lines in style.css

Larissa Harris's picture
Larissa Harris
Sun, 2011-02-06 20:32

I looked at your style.css file and the only modification I see in relation to your category is this: .category-category-x {
background-color: #e3e3e3;
Was that style already in your theme's style.css file? I tried adding the same code to my file and it did nothing. I would appreciate your thoughts. My site is at
The css file is at:

Everyone else seems to have had to modify a php file in order to have the class for each blog category be different. I was wondering if perhaps this style is a global style as a part of Wordpress?

Thank you in advance for your help,

Igor Spasojevic's picture
Igor Spasojevic
Mon, 2011-02-07 01:56

Was that style already in your theme's style.css file? No.
I looked your site and seems its working (your 'casual work' category is grey, others are white).

Olga Cuevas's picture
Olga Cuevas
Sun, 2011-02-06 19:31

My assignment 2 is in the same url:

The posts which are in the category casual-work have got a Casual Work image, the others haven't it. This is like this on the index, on the category and on the single.

I used the function post_class() in the index.php and the single-default.php and the customization CSS in the child theme.

For the category I used a if (in_category=' ')

Aashvi Vyas's picture
Aashvi Vyas
Sun, 2011-02-06 19:42

Hi All,
see my assignment

As per CLIENT-X requirement, Blog having 2 categories
(1) Casual Work: Display vertical photo (post) - default Autofocus theme feature.
(2) Special Work: display random post look : overright using child theme

following references help me

I have created Autofocus child theme.
my child theme folder having 3 files
(1) style.css
- create cs class for .category-specialwork

(2) header.php
- Default Autofocus not display category at top, i have used
get_categories( 'parent=0') function and using loop display 2 categories

(3) category-6.php
- This one help me to overright default "Autofocus" category post display structure, this file only use for special category (id=6).

Matej Rokos's picture
Matej Rokos
Sun, 2011-02-06 22:00

Just posted my assignment:

I have written a howto guide there, check it out, feel free to comment and contact me :)

Faramarz Kolivand's picture
Faramarz Kolivand
Mon, 2011-02-07 08:32

are those your angelfish? ;)

Matej Rokos's picture
Matej Rokos
Mon, 2011-02-07 09:52

Faramarz: Yes ;) We were lucky to find angelfish like these.

Myke Hoff's picture
Myke Hoff
Tue, 2011-02-08 09:53

Matej, how did you keep the changes made to "casual" from affecting the rest of the page? for example on mine ( if you look at the category edibles - all the font on the page shrinks...i don't want that and can't figure out how to stop it from going out of that area.

Matej Rokos's picture
Matej Rokos
Tue, 2011-02-08 10:53

You have added the class category-edibles both to body element and div of the article. Strip it from body and it will work fine.

Luis Cabrera's picture
Luis Cabrera
Tue, 2011-02-08 17:04

You've added a [font-size: 6px;] to that category- 6px is pretty small. I would increase the size or remove the whole line and it will adapt the original font size

Frankie Yan's picture
Frankie Yan
Mon, 2011-02-07 05:34

My assignment's at

I modified the post page's template to loop through the posts twice, once for each category and outputting the posts using different classes. After that it's down to changing their looks using css based on classes assigned to each post.

Aashvi Vyas's picture
Aashvi Vyas
Mon, 2011-02-07 08:16

i have submitted my 2nd Assignment to nuno (mail to him with subject that he mentioned) but not yet any confirmation from him.
any one from you collect notification from nuno?

Faramarz Kolivand's picture
Faramarz Kolivand
Mon, 2011-02-07 08:22

here is my assignment 2:

this was easy, I didn't create a child theme or a new plug-in.

I created a new category and named it "hikes", then I edited the loop in my index.php, I changed div class="post" to div


if you do this and check the HTML markup with firebug, you'll see that you'll get this in your website: div class="post-109 post type-post hentry category-hikes"

then I went ahead and created a new class ".category-hike" in my CSS and this is my CSS:

.category-hikes {
background: #E8E8E8;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #D7D7D7;
-moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
border-radius :5px;

Faramarz Kolivand's picture
Faramarz Kolivand
Mon, 2011-02-07 08:23

it's not cool that we can't include HTML code in our comments in this editor :(