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Hi Team

I would like to know what are we supposed/expected to do now that the course has started ,
If we could have a post with the Meeting timings and study plan for the learners , it would be


Daisy Morgan's picture
Daisy Morgan
Wed, 2011-01-26 15:59

Hi Praveen

Nuno sent an email to the group on the 22nd with the following content:

Each week:

* Mondays (except the first week that starts on the 26th): Students receive by email the challenge for the week.

* Wednesdays: we meet on
[1] #p2pu-webcraft/wordpress-development for discussion. I will be there to answer any questions most of the day and other folks will also help if you ask nicely. We will log the conversations and post them on-line as a recording of what happened.

* Sunday: I will post the results of the assignments (if you passed or failed).

At the end of the course I will post how many challenges you did and how you did on each one.

Good luck and enjoy!

So we'll be getting assignments on Monday 31st. I haven't been able to access irc yet today - has anyone been able to log on for a discussion?

praveen's picture
Wed, 2011-01-26 16:11

Thanks Daisy

I am looking forward to it .


Larissa Harris's picture
Larissa Harris
Wed, 2011-01-26 16:49

Thanks Daisy. I have not been able to access IRC either.

Ron Allison's picture
Ron Allison
Wed, 2011-01-26 17:04

Have you tried the Chat button on the P2PU Wordpress Development page? That takes you into the IRC channel using a web based interface.

Igor Spasojevic's picture
Igor Spasojevic
Wed, 2011-01-26 17:10

Download mIRC or XChat if web interface chat doesnt working. We are on channel now :)

Daisy Morgan's picture
Daisy Morgan
Wed, 2011-01-26 17:24

I tried mIRC but have now finally been able to get in via the Chat button (got a 404 earlier). Thanks Ron and Igor!

Matej Rokos's picture
Matej Rokos
Thu, 2011-01-27 10:05

If you have problems using IRC I suggest you use Opera browser which has an easy to use IRC client built in. In the menu select "Mail and Chat Accounts".

Doug Berger's picture
Doug Berger
Thu, 2011-01-27 10:19

Great idea forgot about Opera having a client

Sean McAuliffe's picture
Sean McAuliffe
Thu, 2011-01-27 15:49

Mac users can use

You know, so you can participate in the "meetings"....