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Climate Resilient Cities - Mar 2010

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WEEK 1: Cities and Disaster Risk

Kathryn Bunn's picture
Kathryn Bunn
Wed, 2010-03-31 04:05

An estimated 97 percent of natural disaster related deaths each year occur in developing countries and, although smaller in absolute figures, the percentage of economic loss in relation to the Gross National Product (GNP) in developing countries far exceeds that in developed countries. Should there be an additional tax on commercial industries who move to developing countries to finance climate adaptation projects?

Kathryn Bunn's picture
Kathryn Bunn
Wed, 2010-03-31 03:59

Should rich countries pay for poor countries climate adaptation projects?

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Kathryn Bunn's picture
Kathryn Bunn
Wed, 2010-03-31 04:15

Read Owen Barder's blog on the new "Robin Hood Tax" scheme, to support aid and development.

marowe  bass's picture
marowe bass
Tue, 2010-04-06 11:45

Certainly, everyone should be given privileged and priorities concerning climate change and other environmental problems. One example is the program on recycling. It will help people be conscious and gain more practical issues on financial matters, since we can also gain profit from recycling materials.

Kathryn Bunn's picture
Kathryn Bunn
Wed, 2010-03-31 04:00

Given the recent impacts, and frequency of climate driven disasters in developing countries, should cities be forced to relocate communities, infrastructure and industries at risk, to safer, more sustainable locations?

Kathryn Bunn's picture
Kathryn Bunn
Wed, 2010-03-31 04:01

What are the long term, generational affects, on health, education and development on countries, cities communities and governments, when rebuilding after disasters?

Kathryn Bunn's picture
Kathryn Bunn
Wed, 2010-03-31 04:02

What rights should informal communities have in regard to their location, when planning cities for climate adaptation?