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Collaborative Lesson Planning

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Collaborative Lesson Planning course photo

Collaborative Lesson Planning

Charles Danoff's picture
Course organiser: Charles Danoff
About the Course Organiser: 

I have taught English as a Foreign Language for the past two years, first in Japan and then in China. During that time I have been inspired by the Open Educational Resources movement and its intellectual grandfather the Free Software movement. To help the cause I have been publishing my lesson plans online to Wikiversity since February of this year. In July I flew to Gdansk, Poland to give a short talk about collaborative lesson planning, the topic of this course. My website is danoff dot org.

No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Charles Danoff's picture
Brylie Oxley's picture
Joe Corneli's picture
Joe C
Irene Martínez's picture
marjorie  king's picture
Rurik Nackerud's picture
Can publishing and collaboratively building lesson plans online make them better?


This course is for teachers who are interested in improving the quality of their lesson plans and in making them available for others to use. The idea is that millions of teachers teach roughly the same subjects year after year, but usually none of them work together. The goal is that teachers in different parts of the world teaching the same topic to similar levels of students will post lesson plans online and then reflect on what works and what does not for them. Subsequently they will comment on what other teachers have done as well. After the year is finished a new teacher the following year can build their semester plan on the lesson plans all these other teachers have done.
