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SICP Study group

Syllabus for SICP Study group

Josmas Flores's picture
Sat, 2011-04-23 14:13
This is the proposed Syllabus for the SICP Study Group.

In the spirit of a Peer to Peer activity, this syllabus is open to all participants; please feel free to add to it, amend, or propose new activities and ideas.

About assignments: All assignments will be in the form of a blog post highlighting the learning of the week. Two main parts are required for each section, and both should appear in your blog post. The first one is your reflections and experiences during the study of the section. The second is links in your blogpost to your solutions to the exercises in every section.

A potential project can be arranged around all the sections but this will depend on participation (more to come regarding this).

About synchronous meetings: Synchronous meetings will occur, mainly online, at a time where most participnats can assist. The course can be also followed asynchronously, but some kind of synchronous participation is highly encouraged.

About Timelines: This is an open course, always open for new pariticpants. If you have to drop off for a week or two because of your workload or even  holidays, you will be able to join back when your schedule allows you to do so.

It might happen that when you want to join back there are no people in your particular level. This should not discourage you becasue you will probably get help from others in the community that have already finish that section. Search for people with the particular badge you are working towards and they should be able to help out!

Section 1
Reading material:

Section 2
Reading material:

Section 3
Reading material:

Section 4
Reading material:

Section 5
Reading material: