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Introduction to programming C#

Course Syllabus

Anish Patel's picture
Thu, 2011-01-13 08:48

Week 1:

Look at Program flow, variables, looping and methods.
Task: You'll have to implement some algorithm that I give you in pseudo code form.

Week 2:
Look at classes and objects. Understand what a class is and the various facets of object oriented programming.
Task: Design your own employee class

Week 3: 
We'll look at GUI (Graphical user interface) technologies available to you in the .net platform.
Task: Create your own GUI that includes a list, text box and a button  which has some sort of action associated with it.

Week 4:
We'll look at data access technologies. Here we'll skim over ADO.NET and The Entity Framework. I'll also mention Linq to Sql, but we won't be looking at it in any depth.
Task: Implement an EDM of the a bunch of data tables from the Adventure Works database.

Week 5:
This week we'll bring everything we've learnt together into one and you'll see a simple HR application that I create. 
Task: You'll have to create your own HR application. You'll have my source code to use and play with, but the emphasis should be on having some feature that I don't have.

Week 6:
A round up of the course and a review of your HR applications.