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Questions regarding week-01 assignment (n00b)

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Hi Mike 

I did the reading assignment and just started the writing assignment. Below is a screenshot (also attached the file) from the musescore application. (I added the last c).

musescore screenshot

A couple questions regarding the assignment.

  • After the second clef (g), uses the 4th line while the last clef (which is also g) uses the above one. Is there any reason for the g above to be placed there?
  • Also are we supposed to complete the clefs too? They seem to be incomplete without their tails.

Please do correct me if I'm not using the right terms to describe things. I've tried to use terms from the reading assignment :)

P.S: Sorry. Started late since I had been sick all week and been visiting hospitals like a picnic spot.

Thank you

a01.png52.9 KB
Giacomo Ritucci's picture
Giacomo Ritucci
Thu, 2010-09-16 21:32

(Can students answer too? Don't know, I'll try)

Hello Akash, I think you are calling the notes "clefs". The clef are the signs at the beginning of the staff.

The notes are not incomplete, they are whole notes. This will become clear when Mike will teach us the duration.

If I understand your first question, the second g is up there becouse it's an higher g than the first one. You can hear the difference pressing the play button in the musescore program: the first g makes a low sound, while the second one makes an higher sound.

If you play the score you can also hear the difference between notes with tails and notes without tails.


Michael Gilsinan's picture
Michael Gilsinan
Fri, 2010-09-17 17:15

Thank you Giacomo, you are welcome to answer any questions that you understand. I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible but can not always get to everything right away.

The difference between the two G notes is an octave, which is something we will be explaining in more detail later on. If you can make our meeting next Tuesday, I will explain things in more detail then.