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Music Theory Introduction

Week 2 written assignment

Michael Gilsinan's picture
Thu, 2010-09-23 03:59

Here is your assignment for the week.  Have fun and post any questions that you might have.  


I can not write lyrics on

Gebhard Matt's picture
Gebhard Matt
Thu, 2010-09-23 14:11

I can not write lyrics on rests ...

I uploaded my

Giacomo Ritucci's picture
Giacomo Ritucci
Sun, 2010-09-26 12:42

I uploaded my assignment.

Just one thing though... I didn't write the full duration in english. I wrote 1/2, 1/4, 1/4+1/8, ... because it was faster to write, and because for each bar I can sum the values inside and check if the result is 1/1.

Hope it's good anyway.


I wrote the rests duration

Gebhard Matt's picture
Gebhard Matt
Sun, 2010-09-26 15:15

I wrote the rests duration ussing "StaffText" because the "lyrics" tool only write on notes, not on rests...

Damn, I forgot rests! >_< I

Giacomo Ritucci's picture
Giacomo Ritucci
Mon, 2010-09-27 01:19

Damn, I forgot rests! >_<

I will re-upload the assignment tomorrow.

HiOnce again, I completed

Heidi Wettlaufer's picture
Heidi Wettlaufer
Tue, 2010-09-28 03:05

Once again, I completed the homework and tried to "upload" it by clicking the "Add a Document" yellow bar on this page. It loaded my assignment in the wrong place. How do I upload my assigmnent like the others? Any computer assist is appreciated.

Heidi, you should click the

Gebhard Matt's picture
Gebhard Matt
Tue, 2010-09-28 13:54

Heidi, you should click the "edit" link near "Week 2 written assignment" and here you can upload your assignment.

Thank you Gebhard! It worked.

Heidi Wettlaufer's picture
Heidi Wettlaufer
Wed, 2010-09-29 02:14

Thank you Gebhard! It worked.

Anyone: When does class meet? I thought we had class each Tuesday night for 6 weeks at 8pm EST. I tried to call in and got no answer this Tues evening. What am I missing?
Thank you. Heidi