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Collaborative Lesson Planning

Revision of Plan to Finish My Chinese Lesson Plan Resource from Mon, 2011-02-14 07:46

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Charles Danoff's picture
Mon, 2011-02-14 07:46

In February of 2010 I started formally uploading my lesson plans to Wikiversity. I wanted to be done with all of it and my review by June, that didn't happen. I continued throughout the fall and winter sporadically and have gotten most of the lesson plans up there, but not in a way thats helpful to anyone.

Now in February of 2011 I want to finish the work by creating a usable print resource for all my lesson plans and what I learned that I can then send to the teachers currently doing my job in Anqing (they city where I taught) thereby hopefuly enabling Collaborative Lesson Planning to occur in the online version of the resource.

My goal is to finish outlying everything that'd be necessary for a PediaPress book by  February 17th 11:59 PM USA CT.

This class is about Collaborative Lesson Planning [CLP] and this is a great opportunity for anyone in this class or on P2PU to get their hands dirty and try CLP out for themselves, please visit my research center and then explore from there. Feel free to tinker, cross some items off the to-do list and/or share ideas.

  • February 14th
    • Go through all the online lesson plans I have up, and fit them all into as general a mold as possible.

  • Version 0.1 / 13 Feb 2011 23:45 USA CT
    • Started the document and added my plan through February 14th.