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Roto 5x5 Snake Drafting 101

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Roto 5x5 Snake Drafting 101

Charles Danoff's picture
Course organiser: Charles Danoff
About the Course Organiser: 

The course is co-organized by:

  • Andy Friedman: Serious fantasy baseball manager for years, whose won multiple championships.
  • Charlie Danoff: Experienced fantasy manager in multiple sports, with experience ogranizing two previous P2PU courses.
On the eve of the 2008 season they collaborated on an article togeteher: "Pen Names Preseason Spectacular" for Sports Grumblings: Fantasy Sports Center of Excellence  previewing the bullpens for every team from worst to first.
No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Andrew Friedman's picture
Charles Danoff's picture
want to learn successful fantasy baseball strategies? Take Roto 5x5 Snake Drafting 101 at #p2pu


Month long course covering strategies for successul strategies for drafting in rotisserie fantasy baseball leagues with 5 picthing + 5 offensive statistical categories (5x5) and a snake draft (i.e. draft order = Team 1 -> Team 10 then Team 10 -> Team 1).
  • Beginners are welcome!
    • We will introduce you to the sport of fantasy baseball and give you the skills to compete in many online leagues. If you do your work, by the close of the course your knowledge will have scaffolded into skills that will let you play well!
  • Experienced, or expert players, please sign-up!
    • This is an opportunity to formalize your knowledge by mentioring unfamiliar members. Along the way your writing for class will become a valuable resource future folks can use to learn independently.
Obviously this course will be fun, but it will be formal as well. Members are encouraged to publicize their participation on their professional resumes and linkedin profiles. The Peer 2 Peer University is a leading figure in the expanding Open Education field and many P2PU members already display their work on their professional documents.
