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An introduction to online journalism, citizen media and the use of social networks for journalism and collective action. The course will require a basic understanding of the Internet and the class will be conducted in English. Participants will work on a self defined projects either as individuals or in groups using any combination of media types including video, photographs, illustrations and text as well as online tools such as blogs, wikis, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and any other reasonable tool the participant or team would like to use. The participants will engage in weekly real time meetings using video conferencing, IRC linked with the classroom at Keio University in Tokyo as well as ongoing asynchronous communication. Students at the Keio Graduate School of Media Design can take this class for credit, but the class will be open and available to anyone interested in participating via P2PU.
Dear Professor Joi My name is
Dear Professor Joi
My name is Eddy Oda.
I’m so proud to participate to your class.
I took your class last year and graduated from KMD this MAR.
Can I be an auditor for Digital journalism?
I hope to join your class 2010.
Thank you and Best Regards,
Eddy Oda