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CPD through Twitter for Maths Teachers

Syllabus for CPD through Twitter for Mathematics Teachers

Colin Graham's picture
Tue, 2011-01-18 05:43

The syllabus for this course is set out in terms of the learning objectives on the course page.  You will be able to submit questions, goals or targets for the course, which meet your needs, through the Google Groups associated with the course or using the appropriate hashtags in Twitter.  Successful completion will be when all four of the stages, as set out in the course description, have been achieved.  There are no materials specifically associated with this course, but it is possible that links will be added at a future date as a resource.

The four stages, which can (almost need to) run simultaneously are:

  1. To be able to use Twitter comfortably, to the extent of organising/filtering tweets, using hashtags, tweeting and retweeting on a variety of topics, understanding the implications of protecting tweets
  2. To be able to participate in at least four scheduled discussions held on Twitter, including being aware of other opportunities for CPD using Twitter.  Not all of these have to be using #mathchat but contributions on other discussions can, and will, be monitored
  3. To be able to have at least one question answered, or being guided towards an answer, which will help me with a current problem or challenge I have in my classroom
  4. To build a personal learning network (PLN) which will be able to support me in my development as a teacher

Stage 1 may take up to three or four weeks, depending on how often participants can access Twitter.
Stage 2 can theoretically be done in one week, once participants are familiar with the basics of using Twitter, but ideally will be spread over three to six weeks.
Stage 3 can be done within the first two or three days of participation but, ideally, will be something that needs more protracted discussion or thought.
Stage 4 is a continuing process.  Participants should feel comfortable with choosing who to follow, and how to make the selections, within four to six weeks of participation.

Most participants should have completed the four stages within six to nine weeks, and participants who complete early will be encouraged to support those who need the full twelve weeks of the course.