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Introduction to Math Art

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Introduction to Math Art course photo

Introduction to Math Art

Dani Novak's picture
Course organiser: Dani Novak
About the Course Organiser: 

I teach Mathematics at Ithaca College and this is my home page:

No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Dani Novak's picture
abdallah dorra's picture
Carla Jolley's picture
Coxfamilyga's picture
Cindy von Tresckow's picture
Juan Padilla's picture
Jan Nordgreen's picture
Jan N
Jon Jaroker's picture
Jon J
Blair Miller's picture
Naranbayar Tsogbadrkah's picture
Sarah Hodges's picture
stephen dixon's picture
Introduce a computer language design to create mathematical patterns. Ideal for parents with elementary school kids.


This is a hands on course where participants will create mathematical art and share it.
We will use a computer language I co-designed with my colleague David Rosenthal.
The language can be downloaded from:

Parts of the course will cover chapters in the book that is available in a PDF format
Using the link: 

Depending on the student skills and interest it may touch other topics like Math and Music,  Creating Games and dynamic Mathematical Art.

Learning objectives

Learn the MuMart Language:   Basic Drawing commands and Geometrical Operators

Depending on the skills do more advanced aspects (programming, music, dynamic art)



I followed the instructions

Sarah Hodges's picture
Sarah Hodges
Tue, 2011-01-11 08:11

I followed the instructions above and created the spiral of life but don't know how to attach/upload it to the sign up form... Please let me know.


For now you can just paste

Dani Novak's picture
Dani Novak
Tue, 2011-01-25 23:10

For now you can just paste the code to your google document which is the simplest but you can also
save it on your computer, upload it to your google documents and change the sharing setting to share with the world and then link it to your google document.

I've signed up for the

stephen dixon's picture
stephen dixon
Sat, 2011-01-15 15:05

I've signed up for the course. I'm interested in exploring the maths a bit. And it looks like a great learning tool to share with my kids. Reminds me of the Tassie Turtle and Logo.

I know we will have such a

Dani Novak's picture
Dani Novak
Sun, 2011-01-16 16:09

I know we will have such a wonderful time together in this course. I am excited!

I followed the instructions

Jan Nordgreen's picture
Jan Nordgreen
Thu, 2011-01-20 23:16

I followed the instructions above and created the spiral of life but don't know how to attach/upload it to the sign up form... Please let me know.


For now you can just paste

Dani Novak's picture
Dani Novak
Tue, 2011-01-25 23:09

For now you can just paste the code to your google document which is the simplest but you can also
save it on your computer, upload it to your google documents and change the sharing setting to share with the world and then link it to your google document.

how would we communicate

abdallah dorra's picture
abdallah dorra
Tue, 2011-01-25 22:47

how would we communicate through out the course?

The main communication device

Dani Novak's picture
Dani Novak
Tue, 2011-01-25 23:06

The main communication device is going to be the google document that you will share with me but also 1-1 communication using Skype, Google Chat and possibly Team Viewer also.

I completed the requisiteness

Jamaal Taylor's picture
Jamaal Taylor
Mon, 2011-01-31 03:50

I completed the requisiteness assignment, but I haven't seen directions on how to upload the drawing. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Dear Taylor, I did not see

Dani Novak's picture
Dani Novak
Sat, 2011-03-12 16:52

Dear Taylor,

I did not see your post before and I apologize. If you still want to upload it please email me (maybe we can skype?) and I can help you.

Cheers, Dani

I have signed up and added

LokeshTokas's picture
Fri, 2011-04-15 23:40

I have signed up and added the code in application.
I played around a bit to understand the program a bit and the simplest code which produced the grahpics i liked after lot of changing and playing around, I added in the application, I hope you won't mind.

I'll upload it once my application is accepted.

PS : I had fun while doing this, so I am looking forward to this.