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I'm going to create this thread as a way to keep a record of the Broadcast Messages that I send to all the participants in the course, since P2PU doesn't keep them.  This will allow people who missed the messages to catch up on any instructions, etc., that I've sent the other people in the class.



Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Wed, 2011-02-02 18:12

Hi, Everyone:
In Week 2 of this class, I'm asking everyone to take a Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) test online and to post your results in this thread: I would also like people to read about their personality assessment type and to write down any ideas they have about what aspects (if any) of that personality type might have an impact on your enjoyment/mastery of math (or lack thereof).

The free online MBTI test I would like everyone to take is at : . You will have to create an account for the site, but it is free and is not disruptive (they don't keep sending you stuff).

I have created a Group Account on where we can all display our results. That group site is : However, I believe I need your email to invite you into the group. I will invite the people for whom I have emails; email me at if you would like an invitation.

As we discussed last night, one of the best people writing about MBTI these days is Dr. David Keirsey. He sorts the 16 different MBTI types into four groups that he calls "Temperaments." I would suggest you also read his descriptions of your temperament/MBTI types at

For those who joined this class late, the Week 1 assignment was to put your math story in the Forum about Signup Essays. If you can, please do so in order that we all can know each other better. Also, PLEASE add a photo or graphic to your profile so we see something visual to represent you in this class.

If you missed last night's chat, you can view the recording at:

To view the recording, click the link below:
View the Elluminate Live! recording

I can't wait to find out about people's MBTI assessments and what that opens up for you. So please share!


v g's picture
v g
Wed, 2011-02-02 21:15

Hi Carol, I have taken the two tests at in id: gvib). Now how do i add the results to that group page?

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Fri, 2011-02-04 18:47

I have sent you an invitation to the group page, so now you can add your results there. Please add them to the forum as well.


v g's picture
v g
Sat, 2011-02-05 18:14

Hi Carol,
I have not received any mail regarding the invite.
My mail id registered with p2pu is ""
My id with mypesonality info site is "gvib"
Please help me joining the group.

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Sat, 2011-02-05 18:46

I just sent you another invite; let me know if you don't get that one either. Maybe I just got the email address wrong the first time. If you don't get an invite from today, let me know and I'll contact the company and see what the problem is. (Of course, check your spam folder just in case your email filters didn't accept the invite.)


v g's picture
v g
Sat, 2011-02-05 21:59

Well, i appreciate your effort, but now i can't even log in to the mypersonality site. I tried the forgot password thing, it says they hav sent me new password, but i dont see any mail from them. I have checked my spam folders too.
Is there no way you could directly include me into that group, instead of a invite-accept process?
userid (gvibs) or gvib ( i hav even forgot the user name now).
It looks like i am bothering you a little too much. But cant help it.
Have a nice day and thanks for bearing up with me.

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Sun, 2011-02-06 02:31

It's not that it is a bother, but I just don't have any control over the mypersonality site besides inviting people. If I could just add you directly, I would. So you will have to resolve it with mypersonality.

Maybe you should just try setting up a new account and start over.

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Tue, 2011-02-08 15:07

Hi, Everyone--

Just a reminder that our second real-time discussion will take place tonight (from the US perspective--could be tomorrow morning for some of you) at 9:00 PM US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5) on the Elluminate website. The link to the event is:

I hope to chat to many of you tonight about Myers Briggs, Personality Style, and how those relate to math learning.


Seema Naik's picture
Seema Naik
Mon, 2011-02-14 08:28

Hi Carol!! Could not make it to this session. How do I access the recorded class?

Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Mon, 2011-02-14 15:03

Sorry, Seema and everyone, but the link I sent in my earlier message doesn't work.

Here is the link to the recording of last week's talk:


Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Mon, 2011-02-14 14:49

Hi, Everyone--

Sorry for the delay in this assignments. We had some out-of-town guest and it threw my schedule into overload.

But here is the outline for this topic:

1. If you missed last week's live session on Myers-Briggs personality types and math, you can access the recording here:

To view the recording, click the link below:
View the Elluminate Live! recording

2. In Week 3 of this class, I'm asking everyone to take a Multiples Intelligences (MI) test online and to post your results in this thread. I would also like people to consider their MI assessment and to write down any ideas they have about what aspects (if any) of that MI profile might have an impact on your enjoyment/mastery of math (or lack thereof).
The free online MI test I would like everyone to take is at : , where I have created a Group Account on where we can all display our results. That group site is : If you are not part of that group yet, email me at and I will send you an invitation.

Also, for those of you who have not yet taken the MBTI test, please take that test as well while you are at . Right now, almost all the results are from Extroverts, which may skew the results. Every personality type is a good one, so please share your information with us so that we can look for correlations.

Finally, I would everyone to find a freely-available relevant article on the Internet about Multiple Intelligences and post that link here. It can be a useful or interesting article about MI in general, or one that try to link MI with personality types, or one talking about MI in math. It can even been an article or lesson plan about how people are using MI in math classes. Just post a link here, along with any comments about why you chose that article or how it furthers your thinking about the topics of this course.

3. Our next live session takes place tomorrow, February 15, at 9:00 PM US Eastern Time (GMT -5). I know that is all sorts of other times for many of you, and I appreciate people's flexibility at meeting at all times of the day or night. The link to the session is: Please join us if you can. It really is helpful to discuss this in a real time, interactive way.

I can't wait to hear what everyone has to say about Multiple Intelligences theory and math learning!


Jonathan Crabtree's picture
Jonathan Crabtree
Fri, 2011-02-18 06:03

Hi Carol,

I couldn't make the last live session. The dog ate my mouse... Hmmm not really, yet dog ate my homework is so last century!

Is there a replay yet of the last session?

If so it would be good to catch up.


Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Fri, 2011-02-18 08:35

We missed you this week, but I know things come up. Hope you can make it next time.

I'm having a problem finding the assessment I want for this week for free, but will have something out soon. In the meantime, here is the link to the recording:


Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Sat, 2011-02-19 17:39

Hi, All--

Man, it was 75 degrees here in North Carolina today! It feels like spring. That may have influenced the form we are going to fill out this week...

The focus this week is on Brain Hemispheres (Left Brain/Right Brain) and Learning Modalities (Visual Learners, Auditory Learners, and Kinesthestic Learners). So here is what I would encourage people to do this week:

1. Take the Brain Hemisphere Assessment Test at Similar Minds:

After taking the test, you can copy code to place your results on a website, etc. Please copy the code for your results into the Forum I have created on Brain Hemisphere. Please add any comments about how you think that might have influenced your math learning.

Note: You are welcome to take or suggest other Brain Hemisphere tests as well. One of the members of this class, Jonathan, has created his own test, which I took and thought was quite good. But I wasn't sure it was open to everyone. If you would like others to take your test, Jonathan, please share the correct link.

2. Take the VAK Learning Modalities Test at Businessballs:

For this test, you will have to print out the questionnaire and score it manually, but I liked it better than any of the free automated ones I could find. I would recommend doing it as Method 2.

Please add your results and comments to the Forum I have created on Learning Modalities.

3. I really liked the MyPersonality site because we could see test scores together. Therefore, I have created a form where we can list all of of these different factors in one place and look at them together.

So please enter all your information to date at the Google Doc form at:

This will go back and collect information from essay on. I will add to this form in the next couple of weeks with our new assessment information so we have everything on one sheet.

4. Find an interesting free web resources on Brain Hemisphere and/or Learning Modalities and post it in the appropriate Forum.

5. We will be having our live discussion about these factors on Tuesday, February 22 at 9:00 PM US Eastern Time (GMT -5:00). Please join us at if you can make it.

6. If you missed the discussion last week, you can access the recording at:

Lots of good things to think about this week, then. Enjoy the tests, and I look forward to seeing you in the Forums or on the live discussion next Tuesday.


Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Tue, 2011-02-22 05:49

I'm not sure that the link I gave you earlier to the comprehensive spreadsheet for your scores was the correct one. If that one doesn't work, try this one:



Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Sat, 2011-02-26 20:11

Hi, All--

Here is what we are up to for our fifth week in Psychology of Math Learning:

1. If you missed last week's discussion, you can access the recording at:

2. I really liked the MyPersonality site because we could see test scores together. Therefore, I have created a form where we can list all of of these different factors in one place and look at them together.
So please enter all your information to date at the Google Doc form at:

3. Last week we were looking at Brain Hemisphere and Learning Modalities. This week, I wanted to examine some other Learning Style theories--of which there are MANY!

For our assessment, please take the Gregorc Learning Style Test, which you can download, print out, take, and score (that is, it is paper-based) at:

This document not only has an assessment test, but discusses both the Gregorc and the 4MAT learning style theories, and relates them both to teaching and learning techniques. Since most of our most active participants are math teachers, the 4MAT has some interesting suggestions about how to ensure that your curriculum is reaching all types of learners.

Please share your Gregorc and 4MAT scores with us at and discuss whether you think they have any bearing on your math learning experience.

4. I recommend that people also read . This takes the 4MAT theory and tries to relate it to some of the theories we have studied previously, such as Myers-Briggs type and left brain/right brain.

5. This page has an extensive list of resources on learning styles: .
It would be great if everyone would read at least one or two of the articles and describe them to us in the appropriate forum (either for other learning styles or for Gregorc/4MAT).

6. Finally, I hope you can join us for this week's discussion on Tuesday, March 1 at 9:00 PM US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00) at .


Carol Cross's picture
Carol Cross
Mon, 2011-03-07 06:37

Hi, All--

Sorry this is overdue--once again, I've had major deadlines and out of town guest, plus I've had trouble finding web sources on this week's topic, which is Gender Differences. However, I'll just go with what I've got.

First, if you missed last week's talk, you can access it online at :

This week we are looking at gender difference in learning mathematics. Unfortunately, most of the resources I have on this topic are books, rather than web links. Let's hope you all have some good stuff to share!

Maria Droujkova has done a lot of work in this area, so I asked her for suggestions. She has a 1971 gender assessment test, but it is more a thing to take for fun than definition, because the gender expectations have changes so much since then. But you can take the test at:

I have created a forum on gender difference in math learning at:

Please post any weblinks you have on interesting resources on this topic.

We will be discussing this issue in real time in our last week discussion session on Tuesday, March 8 at 9:00 PM US Eastern Time (GMT -5:00). Please join us if you are available at .

