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Managing Election Campaigns - Mar 2010

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Managing Election Campaigns - Mar 2010

Larry Cooperman's picture
Course organiser: Larry Cooperman
No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Larry Cooperman's picture
Dónal Gaynor's picture
Ray Jenson's picture
Ray J
Gustavo Martínez's picture
Rajan Vaish's picture
Valerie Taylor's picture


This course covers the mechanics of managing election campaigns, including campaign organization, campaign finance, analyzing and using voter data, using direct mail, scripting telephone contact, managing volunteers, and understanding the legal environment. The project for the course will be to work from a California template and map the similarities and differences for each course participant's jurisdiction. The course is offered with two caveats: (1) many of the techniques will scale to larger election campaigns, but others will not; and (2) the legal environment around voter data is critical to any data-driven voter contact effort.


I'm interested....

James Price's picture
James Price
Mon, 2010-04-19 01:44

Just learning about P2PU. I do ballot initiatives in the Kenai Peninsula Borough in Alaska and participate in statewide issues. I've run for public office a number of times. One thing I've learned is to never underestimate your adversary, particularly a well-funded one. Municipal elections can also be tricky, as voter participation is usually around 20 - 25%... so if you can do a successful GOTV campaign, that can put you over the top. Timing is critical with muni issues and an initiative can be used to reshuffle the assembly/city council deck, as your voter turnout can and will determine which individual candidate wins with such typically low voter turnout numbers.