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Conflict Resolution

Syllabus for Conflict Resolution

Emily Miller's picture
Sun, 2011-01-02 23:14

This is the Syllabus for your Course. Any course participant is allowed to edit this page. Be the first to edit the page by clicking on 'Edit' next to the name of the page (in the Course Material block on the left).


sorry but i'm new to this,

joe zaarour's picture
joe zaarour
Mon, 2011-01-24 22:40

sorry but i'm new to this, where can we find the syllabus and schedule / times?

Hi Joe, I'm new to this, too!

Emily Miller's picture
Emily Miller
Mon, 2011-01-24 22:57

Hi Joe,
I'm new to this, too! The syllabus is listed under "Course Material" - there is a link that should take you right there. As far as our schedule, I will be posting a new discussion topic each Wednesday (starting this Wednesday, January 26). I'm also thinking it would be helpful for us to break into smaller chat groups - please see my post on the Forums page, which I just published. Let me know if you have any other questions!