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Education Politics in America

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Education Politics in America  course photo

Education Politics in America

Emily C's picture
Course organiser: Emily C
About the Course Organiser: 

Hello!  My name is Emily Connuck and I am currently a sophomore at Tulane University in new Orleans!  I'm extremely interested and involved in public education, although I never had the opportunity to take any formal classes in education politics. Through teaching myself about the field over many years I have learned a lot, and now would love to help others learn how to navigate the storm of education news, figure out their own views and values concerning education, and hopefully take the education world by storm! 

No of Seats: 
Course Status: 


Emily C's picture
Alireza's picture
ayoemiloju's picture
Ken Fles's picture
Ken F
Sarah Press's picture
David Garrison's picture
jose diaz's picture
Nathan Lamar's picture
Learn about education politics and how to navigate your own investigations in the subject matter!


We will learn about the current state and the current players in education politics through discussion and research.  Students will learn about current issues and examine them from multiple perspectives and will consider their own education beliefs and relate them to modern American education politics.  The class will depend on the research of the students, with extra information and guidance coming from classmates and the facilitator! 

There will be 5 classes, each lasting approximately an hour.    Students will be expected to do research outside of class time. 



The sign up task is basically

Stian Haklev's picture
Stian Haklev
Tue, 2011-01-11 03:15

The sign up task is basically the whole curriculum? Very confusing - what exactly are people supposed to be submitting as they apply?

I'm not exactly a student

Ken Fles's picture
Ken Fles
Tue, 2011-01-25 18:04

I'm not exactly a student planning on going into teaching but I am interested in the subject matter and the concept of free online education led by group leaders/instructors.

Sorry, but what do you mean

mariana lima's picture
mariana lima
Sun, 2011-03-20 21:21

Sorry, but what do you mean by "America"? It's the continent, right?