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Sustainability Studio

Revision of Syllabus for Sustainability Studio from Wed, 2011-01-12 03:37

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Christine Geith's picture
Fri, 2010-12-31 01:14

Welcome to Sustainability Studio!

As of January 11, 2011 this is what is happening:

Studio Co-Facilitators: There's still time to be a co-facilitator!

  • personal development - George Lorenzo
  • critical thinking - TBD
  • systems thinking - Paul McConaughy
  • social justice - TBD
  • civic engagement - TBD
  • economic vitality - TBD
  • ecological integrity  - Monica Day
  • aesthetics - Brian Collins

Studio Citizen-Circle Projects to date - this list will be updated as people apply for the course:

  • Water Stewardship, Jackson, Michigan - Monica
  • Art Puzzle on the Farm, East Lansing Michigan - Karl, Kristin, Stephanie
  • Eco Consciousness, Virginia Beach, VA  - Joy

Studio Guest Speakers are pending - each project can suggest a speaker

10-Question Project Design Form (to be finalized and approved by the course organizer by the end of week #2, no later than February 8th).

1. Project Title:
2. How do you define success for this project and how will you measure it?
3. Briefly describe your project:
4. When does it start and end? 
5. Where is it located?
6. What are the names of the people doing the project?  
7. List your weekly action plan during the course from January 26-March 16 (refer to the course schedule to list week-by-week activities.
8. How does your project contribute to sustainability?
9. How does your project align with one or more of the sustainability competencies?
10. How will you create a digital story that can be openly published and shared that demonstrates mastery of your selected competencies?

Hi George - thanks for

Christine Geith's picture
Christine Geith
Tue, 2011-01-18 05:43

Hi George - thanks for sharing these terrific links. For those in the course interested in the personal development aspect of sustainability, the "personal manifesto" would make a great project.

A manifesto could also be a useful tool for people in other projects seeking a way to document what they're doing.

Let's put out a call to individuals interested in forming a citizen circle with you to take this on as a sustainability project in the Studio.

- Chris

For the personal development

George Lorenzo's picture
George Lorenzo
Tue, 2011-01-18 04:26

For the personal development project, some early resources are available at "happiness: a blog about being healthy, self-sufficient, purposeful and loving."

The first assignment for this "happiness" project is for you to write your personal "Manifesto." For an example, see