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About Me

Work in high schools in Japan, so a lot of cognitive surplus spent learning and in creation.

Polymath interests span emergence; human potential, being in flow; yoga all day everyday; meditation, just absorbed in now; liminal existential connoisseur-ization?; climbing anything; science and nature; technology and art; food and people; peace and love; crazy...  doesn't really say anything, huh.

Used to live hard: work, play, conversation, rest...  and I was rewarded by finding a path toward a vision of what it is I want to reflexively create - create and be created by and promptly stepped right off that path - a baby, Lake, and super cute.  I am now back on track and with each step the path simplifies and the next gains clarity.

So here I am, learning and lucky.  Thankful to our teachers (= you & me).


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