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I'm a native Floridian, currently living about 45 minutes north of Miami. I have a 7 year old (who is doing some really awesome things) and a very cute dog.
Work: I'm self-employed. I offer a variety of services that revolve around branding, blogging, and social networks. This has led to me doing custom WP-installations and light web design, too. I taught myself html and css, but want to get comfortable with handcoding php. I also authored a book, and would like to do more writing in the future.
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese (and soon Italian)
Other stuff: I'm obsessed with finding the beauty around us. I tend to be fiercely protective of my personal time. I LOVE doing yoga and baking. I'm a bit of a sensualist. I have a moodboard type blog. {Please ignore the fact that the theme is built on tables. I picked it before I knew a thing about web standards. I'm planning a nice big makeover for it this year.} I really love travelling and have been introducing my son to the joys of travel, too. Lately I find myself coaching/guiding others in their search for work that is meaningful to them; it makes me happy.
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