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About Me

I am the Director of Classroom Technology, Instructional Media Services, Teaching & Learning Technologies at USF Polytechnic in Lakeland, Florida. 

We offer f-2-f and online courses that our faculty is required to teach equitably, which often leads to questions about the delicate balance of online content development and copyright infringment. This leads me to this course!  I hope to find others that are faced with answering copyright infringment questions for faculty who are developing online content or that teach in an applied learning classroom. 

In my spare time (laffin) I love to travel (just got back from Mexico),  listening to great music (especially live), kayaking, motorcycling, going to art festivals.  I am a self-directed learner so I am always searching for new information via books, classes, discussions or online.

I also am a tech head that loves to empower adults with technology usage without the fear of failure.

Lakeland, Florida

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