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Larry Luce

Larry Luce

Larry Luce's picture

About Me

I have been working in tool shops throughout Jackson for over 20 years. I am a lover of nature and hope to help my industry be more environmentally sound. I served as a lay/congregational minister in a Apostolic church for over ten years. I grew up in a rough neighborhood in Kalamazoo where my family still resides. My interest is to bring awareness and a lifestyle change to the industry I have been a part of my whole adult life. I am a master tool maker with a doctorate in fabrication with a high school education. My dream and calling is to protect those things that are dear. When I was in wrestling, my coach would push me to take more offensive, aggressive moves. But I couldn't, instead I won again and again consistently through superior defense.While my walk life may be different, the common thread is the desire to improve the environment. 

Tompkins Township

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