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Discussion of Screen Reader exercise

Go back to: General discussion

Hi Everyone,

Let's use this thread to follow our opening exercise - using a screen reader.

Thank you to everyone who has already downloaded screen readers, tried them out and sent me your results.
If you would, please re-post your comments in this space so that we can all read and learn from each other.
If you haven't yet tried out a screen reader, please do so by Wednesday.

Later today, I will start a separate discussion regarding how we'll conduct this course. The first decision is wether we hold synchronous meetings (I vote yes) and how we do that. More soon.


Aaron Zeckoski's picture
Aaron Zeckoski
Mon, 2011-01-24 16:24

How do we get to the comments we sent to you before? I am probably missing something pretty simple so apologies for being daft. :-)

Bryan Gould's picture
Bryan Gould
Mon, 2011-01-24 16:43

No problem. I will cut and paste from your email to me.

Marsha Vomastic's picture
Marsha Vomastic
Mon, 2011-01-24 20:38

I don't think we have access to the comments we submitted with the application in order to re-post them.

Bryan Gould's picture
Bryan Gould
Tue, 2011-01-25 17:53

Let's do this. I will collect all of the responses that people have sent, put them into one document and post them in the course materials section. We can begin the discussion there and those who haven't submitted comments can put them in that space.