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Alt Text & Universal Design

Week 3

Bryan Gould's picture
Wed, 2011-02-09 21:11

Hi all,

Participation has dropped off to just a three hardy souls (thank you Marsha, Lucica and Dennis.) Perhaps this was because I presented too much information and suggested too many examples to describe. This week, I'll try the opposite and I hope that more of us speak up!


Week 3: How to Describe Science and Complex Images

I hope that you found the WebAIM articles helpful and will continue to refer to the image description practices I listed last week when you write alt text (Types of Images, What I Need to Write Image Descriptions, What Do I Write?.)

Now, let's move from basic images to more complex and challenging ones.

* Read: Please spend some time reading these guidelines for describing science and other complex images:

* Do: Consider how you might apply these guidelines to the images attached below or to complex images that you find in your own work or websites. (I bet Marsha will find some on her invasive plant website!)

* Discusss: Post all of your questions, rants, ah-ha's and "what the's?!?!?!" in the Week 3 Forum.
