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Beginning Python Webservices

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Templates class

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Last night, we went through . After this class, you
should be able to:

 - make python packages
 - use the webob_view template and look at how it works
 - create JSON responses with python
 - use Genshi HTML templates

I've assigned questions 4-8 from to test and reinforce this
learning.  They will be due Tuesday, October 12. 

I also quickly covered how to write some of the ingredients for a
wiki:  see .  I'll return to this next
time, but mostly Thursday I want to talk about projects.

I'd like to get everyone on a project this Thursday's class.  Some of
you already have web services yiou like to or have programmed, others
may not have started.  But now, you should have enough of a knowledge
basis to start.  I learned that the 21st is the last class, so this
means you'll have two weeks to program your projects.  We'll use the
last class to present them.

Please send me a project proposal by next Tues. If you'd like to send
one earlier, even better.  I'll give you some feedback and we can
discuss the ideas as a class on the forums.
